HD Newbie Help

12 Jan 2003
York (+Lboro +New Malden)

HD's are the one component of a PC I know very very VERY little about, and as my 80gb Maxtor is on its way out I need to replace and/or upgrade... so I need help!

Original Plan: Buy 2 Seagate 80Gb drives 1st for windows/apps 2nd for storage
2nd Plan: Buy a 74Gb Raptor and just chuck more onto DVD
3rd Plan: A 36.7Gb Raptor and 120gb Seagate

It would be for games mainly - my present HD is really holding up load times at the moment! (X2 3800+, 1Gb Geil, 1800XT, etc) and I usually format my main HD every few months so a big windows/apps drive isn't THAT important...

- How much faster are raptors? Worth it?
- How much noisier?
- Which plan should I go for?

- How much faster are raptors? Worth it? Hard to say in real terms, but IMO, yes they are worth it

- How much noisier? Not that much. They dont bother me, but if they are too loud for you, then you can get an enclosure.

- Which plan should I go for? IMO, hold out for the new 16mb cache 36gb raptor and get a seagate as well. Or depending on how much the new raptor gets released at/ If you can be bothered waiting, then go for the 74Gb raptor.
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