HD temp- worried?

17 Mar 2006
Speedfan is reporting my HD at 47 even though PC is below a open window and ambiant is 19 degrees. The HD feels warm. Currently defragmenting the HD.
That does seem a bit hot, speedfan is reporting my hdd as 21c and its just finished defragmenting... Its no where near a window either
hmm something not right, just put Thermaltake Thunderblade at 7v blasting onto the HD, and still same temp. HD feels lukewarm and is definitely cooler than before, still no change in Speedfan.

Also HD's were around similar temps in my Stacker, perhaps lower 31-41, but not at 21. 21 for yours seems pretty cold.
have herd WD drives do this
faulty sensor sounds like on drive, a few people reported this

just looked my 2 WD drives are 32c with front fan turned down to 700rpm
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74gb raptor - 32C <= mounted in a 5.25" drive
250gb Sammy - 26C
80 WD - 27C

This is in a nicely warm room so i can pretend its summer while its raining outside.

If it doesn't feel very hot when you touch it then nothing to worry about. Where abouts is it positioned in your case?

Just looked on WD site and they say up to 55C so doesnt seem too bad :)
I have 2 2500KS drives, both run very hot, although admittedly I don't have a fan on them at the moment. SMART seems to think one is at 40 and one is at 51 degrees celcius.
mosfet said:
I have 2 2500KS drives, both run very hot, although admittedly I don't have a fan on them at the moment. SMART seems to think one is at 40 and one is at 51 degrees celcius.

I also own a 2500KS drive and it runs very hot, usually idling at around 48c and pushes up to 55c.
Ive just installed my new 250gb ks and I got up to 61 degrees C when formatting the drive, which made me a bit worried. So I done a bit of research, and I came across an answer from Western Digital themselves

"The temperatures reported by all SMART monitoring software is incorrect for the WD2500KS due to a firmware bug. The drive is not defective but the temperatures that the revision of the drive you have bought report to software are incorrect. We are working on a solution"

So there you go, no need to worry. A tempory fix is to apply a -15degree(Seems to be the commonly agreed faulty varience figure) modifier to speedfan or mbm.

Edit; And were certainly not alone.. check this thread out on the WD support site; http://websupport.wdc.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4003
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