HDD Does not power on.

14 Nov 2002
So i was happily surfing away in my computer and wanted to put some music on, so i opened up my computer and couldn't find my external hard drive.
After a bit of analyzing, i realize that it's not powered on.
Tried different wall socket, nothing.
Tried it in my friends SATA housing, nothing.
Absoloutly nothing happens when i press the power button on the SATA housing.
Does not spin up at all.

I have some very important data on it (yes i know. backup backup backup.. the backup was supposed to happen TODAY and/or tomorrow (i'm in Spain atm, going home tomorrow), wanted to back it up before i left in case hdd got damaged in transport and then again on my server when i got home).

What can i do?
Buy annother hard drive of the same brand and swap the control boards?
Put it in a freezer? :P (that only helps with click of death right)
Well i jsut found out what most likely caused it... There's a main power switch to my flat and a friend of mine turned it off earlier about the time the drive died..
So that probably shorted it or something like that.. I'm guessing that the drive is ******.
I can only suggest you remove it from its casing and put it in to a computer to try and retreive data from it!
fobose said:
I can only suggest you remove it from its casing and put it in to a computer to try and retreive data from it!

Well i already said i tried it in annother casing with no luck and my friend tried his disk in my casing and it worked fine, so i think it's pretty clear that the disk itself is dead, not the casing, but thanks, i'm still going to try that just in case, but i'm not hopeful :(
When you tried your friends hdd in your casing and vice versa, did you try it on his computer or yours? There was another thread about a external drive not working on someones PC but works fine on their laptop?
fobose said:
When you tried your friends hdd in your casing and vice versa, did you try it on his computer or yours? There was another thread about a external drive not working on someones PC but works fine on their laptop?

Well, i didn't actually try it attached to the computer.. just powering it up with the casing.. and nothing happens :|
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