HDD Error at start up

10 Mar 2004
Every boot up im getting an error that says this.......

Pri slave hard disk: S.M.A.R.T status bad, back up and replace

Press F1 to resume

So i F1 and its fine can access everything on the disk no probs at all, it doesnt
need a de frag and everything seems ok but i get it at every start up

Drive is a Maxtor ( :rolleyes: i know) 30 gig

Any ideas?


mdixson said:
your pc is warning you your hdd is going to die, thats the idea of S.M.A.R.T :D

Exactly, like the message says, backup....... thats of course assuming you have important data you want to keep.

If its under warranty still, just contact maxtor and have the drive replaced.
mdixson said:
your pc is warning you your hdd is going to die, thats the idea of S.M.A.R.T :D

Seriously, backup NOW. Most people never get a warning that Mr Harddrive is going to retire. Consider yourself lucky to get this warning and heed it.

Besides, this is a great opportunity to buy a nice shiny Hitachi Deskstar or Seagate Barracuda :D

Had 2 maxtors do the same, 1 of them recently replaced, but lasted a good 6 months with the F1 to continue message (pure luck it lasted i think). Now in the bin!
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