HDD on it way out???

14 Oct 2007
i have been having random freezes when accessing my drive i ran HDTUNE and i got this



only 1 bad sector (test is still running) but i think this is all, it tells me which part is bad but how do i find out which file(s) are using this? and can i fix/remove this sector?

i also ran the WD tool on it which also found a problem but could not repair it

This is a windows install drive which has been partitioned roughly 100/300 i have ultimate defragmenter installed to check what is where but how do i find data from what hdtune tells me is bad?
its gets worse.. i full formatted (slow) on sunday and reinstalled windows on drive C: everything works fine for the rest of the day then today it started up fine then suddenly froze so i had to restart and i couldn't get windows to boot back up again (normal, safe mode and last known config options didn't work) so i have had to install windows to drive E: (2nd partition of C/main drive)
just looked at my account i bought this drive back in 24th Nov 07! so i gather the warranty has gone by now :)
and why don't ocuk sell 40 gb drives anymore, it jumps from 320 to 450?

so spec me a 500 gb drive i guess :p

i can still use this drive (i think) just not for windows install
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