24 Mar 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Trying to keep costs down on an older machine (phenom xII 955) and cant decide between standard hd or an ssd drive. Is the ssd going to be that much quicker?

The two drives i'm currently looking at are..

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £132.68 (includes shipping: £8.70)​

What do you think?
SSD for internal drives, maybe treat yourself to large external HDD at some point, I have a 4TB drive connected to my network which most files eventually get dumped on if not uploaded.
Ok thought as much but thanks for clarification. Would you say the ssd mentioned is the best for the money? Was also looking at a silicon power smaller drive for £52ish
But guess you get what you pay for?
Determine how big SSD you need for a OS. I'm using 64GB with Windows 7 64, OS and progs only, and have 28-28GB free. Work out best value SSD per GB, what size you need now and also enough for next OS as you update.
Determine how big SSD you need for a OS. I'm using 64GB with Windows 7 64, OS and progs only, and have 28-28GB free. Work out best value SSD per GB, what size you need now and also enough for next OS as you update.

Probably similar to yourself windows and a few progs, that samsung drive seems to have a lot of good reviews shame they dont do a 120gb version
what are you going to use the pc for?
reason i ask is that if you're gonna store lots of files and/or programs then a 250gb ssd would be better.
if it's literally just for office and redyoutube then the cheapest 120gb ssd would suffice
WD make some good drives, I have couple greens and a blue in the 3.5 size, find them to be the best I’ve owned and I own seagate drives too.

Green is the more power/energy efficient one, so be less taxing, but you can’t go wrong with either.

Ssd will be quicker, but those sata 3 6gb/s 7200rpm drives are still pretty quick for what they are and have plenty of storage if you need it
WD make some good drives, I have couple greens and a blue in the 3.5 size, find them to be the best I’ve owned and I own seagate drives too.

The best HDD's are the Western Digital RE's (new name is WD Gold) and there totally fine to use as a desktop drives.
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