Was playing around with a bandwidth calculator and looks like 1000hz is possible now, if someone comes up with a 1000hz 1080p esports monitor, it can be driven with HDMI 2.2 without compression and full RGB 4:4:4 color
Unfortunately it doesn't look like any major devices will use HDMI 2.2 this year, all TVs announced so far at CES are HDMI 2.1, we have no HDMI 2.2 monitors yet either and its likely the newest GPU's will still be HDMI 2.1 as well. While not yet announced, I'm fairly confident new soundbars and audio products at CES will be HDMI 2.1 as well unless they are only launched much later this year.
We'll have to wait for 2026 to take advantage of this new tech
For me, that means I'll be avoiding buying new AV tech this year where I can so I can wait for next year
Good to see the sync issues are being improved. Definitely a quality of life improvement that’s needed. Depending on source, I have various different audio delays to program into my amp.
Someone smarter may know this - with cables at 96gbps, why are we using copper instead of something like a new fibre optic standard? Surely things like attenuation and the issues with so many HDMI cables I’ve had (that can’t carry the signal intended, sometimes over time) would be avoided. Perhaps new issues introduced but it feels like we must be getting near some limit of practicality on copper. A certification is certainly one thing that is important but it’s tricky to even know which brands to trust.
I also find the implementations of ARC and CEC often lacking and flaky. Is it just me?
I've had issues with ARC on HDMI 1.4, but since changing to a HDMI 2.1 TV and soundbar, I've had zero e-ARC issues since and its been years for me now with no issues - no disconnects, no handshake errors, no audio sync issues etc, zero problems for me personally.
As for copper cables, the higher the bandwidth, the shorter, or thicker the cable needs to get. I've got a 10 meter HDMI 2.1 cable and its copper and it works flawlessly and its super thick
I believe HDMI 2.2 cables will either be very short, or if they are not short they'll be incredibly thick or if its thin then its fibre optic