HDR in games?

12 Mar 2004
Every time I enable hdr in a game it always seems too bright and I end up switching it off, does anyone else notice this? Its as if devs just use hdr to make everything really bright and completley miss the point of it. In age of empires 3 bloom looks ridiculous, the houses are practically shining.
You mean like this?

They need a lot of time, atm I don't see why everyones making such a fuss over it when all it does is increase brightness in 90% of games. I have it off now as its not worth the 10-20fps drop, when I could just adjust the gamma tbh.
Seemed like hdr was made a bit more subtle in dod:s after the recent update, a good thing imo, hdr is a nice effect but best used subtly.
Far Cry has a couple of commands to let you adjust the 'level' of HDR, which is a good thing.

However, I very rarely use it since I only have a 6800ultra and it impacts framerates too much. It does look nice in places admittedly, but typically the only games which support it are modern ones which are quite demanding to start with.

The exception is Serious Sam 2, which seems to manage a fairly subtle HDR effect without decimating the framerate too much. Good job once again, Croteam :)

In a couple of years time when I have a geforce 8 or whatever, it might be nice to go back and play some games like Far Cry or Oblivion with HDR and decent rez/aa/af, but mainstream hardware just isn't fast enough atm.
A lot of games these days seem so poorly coded it makes you wonder. I mean I can enable HDR (SM2.0) in HL2 on my x800xt and it runs perfectly fine. Most of the features introduced with SM3.0 can be done with SM2.0, but then they want you to upgrade don't they?
Black Dog said:
Have u tried HDR and Bloom on Dust...omg it's blinding.

Never really liked the effect anyway. :rolleyes:
You mean an effect that is supposed to replicate blinding light is blinding you? :p
Why any 1 would enable HDR is a multiplayer game is beyond me :D

Always keep it turned off. Looks completely ridiculous and merely hinders competetive play

agree 10000 % Yeah thats what I was trying to say :)
I love HDR (in single-player gaming), especially because the games I play which use HDR also allow me to use antialiasing with it thanks to ATi (and Valve, to a lesser extent.) ;)
You mean an effect that is supposed to replicate blinding light is blinding you?

No, you know what I mean, as in to bright and not implemented very well.

On dust it's so bright I need sunglasses, especially with bloom.
Black Dog said:
No, you know what I mean, as in to bright and not implemented very well.

On dust it's so bright I need sunglasses, especially with bloom.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Dust set in a place where it would normally be bright enough to need sunglasses had you actually be there?

I can understand why people don't like it though (I'm a fan of it tbh!)...
Roduga said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Dust set in a place where it would normally be bright enough to need sunglasses had you actually be there?
This man speaks the truth. Put on some sunglasses for extra immersion! :D
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