HDR in games?

Its there to add atmosphere, and in my mind it does that really well, its mainly intended for single player.
Would almost certainly annoy me in competative play
kola said:
agree 10000 % Yeah thats what I was trying to say :)

Thats a lot of percent :eek:

Yeah, its useless in competitive play, as it gives anyone whos NOT using it an edge over you, but in single player it really adds to the realism and atmosphere.
badgermonkey said:
Thats a lot of percent :eek:

Yeah, its useless in competitive play, as it gives anyone whos NOT using it an edge over you, but in single player it really adds to the realism and atmosphere.
btw your xfire thing can't be right only 17 hours of wow :confused:
I didn't like it when I had a 6800nu. Now I have a 1900xt I love it. Playing the DOD:S free weekend with everything on max + HDR+AA with no worries about frame rate was suprising, and looked fantastic.

Like any effect, it can be overdone and it's hard to get it working as people would expect all the time. It's best when going from one extreme to the other and then should be more subtle/hardly there when pottering about in same-light conditions.

I had a go on Loast Coast again last night and there's a couple of walls that always seem impossibly bright, kind of wierd.

If all you think it does is that it increases the brightness then the concept of HDR is lost on you :)
Úlfhednar said:
This man speaks the truth. Put on some sunglasses for extra immersion! :D

If your playing the leet model terrorist, it should apply less hdr tbh :cool:

I'd like to see a server which kicks anyone without HDR then it'd become part of the game tatics. Problem is the sun is always overhead not from one direction so shadows arent cast properly, it'll be a while before this all pans out but it'll be good when it does
i took a gamble with Half-life 2- episode 1: could'nt stand Hdr, had to turn bloom on instead, seems like a tick box option to please Nvidia and Ati.

if i want to See Da Sun i will go to....the Outside ;)
clapton is god said:
i took a gamble with Half-life 2- episode 1: could'nt stand Hdr, had to turn bloom on instead, seems like a tick box option to please Nvidia and Ati.

if i want to See Da Sun i will go to....the Outside ;)

Not ..... The Outside ??? :eek: !!!!

Argh natural light! :o Give me HDR anyday over that! ;)
badgermonkey said:
Not ..... The Outside ??? :eek: !!!!

Argh natural light! :o Give me HDR anyday over that! ;)
I got you beat. During the really hot and bright weather we had recently, I actually once said "It's like someone's turned up the HDR outside, it's a killer." :D :eek:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Dust set in a place where it would normally be bright enough to need sunglasses had you actually be there?

Yes maybe when your on holiday but not whilst playing cs source!

I dont see any CT's ot T's wearing sunglasses!
Black Dog said:
Yes maybe when your on holiday but not whilst playing cs source!

I dont see any CT's ot T's wearing sunglasses!
So why don't you just play CS instead of CS:S then?
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