Head shaver recommendations

I have used different methods including an elec shaver on my dome, and an old fashioned safety razor too. Now, i use a Mach 3, non disposable razor. I never go against the grain these days. Twice a week and even though it doesnt leave my head smooth, it does the job!
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I have used different methods including an elec shaver on my dome, and an old fashioned safety razor too. Now, i use a Mach 3, non disposable razor. I never go against the grain these days. Twice a week and even though it doesnt leave my head smooth, it does the job!
Been using a cheap electric head shaver for just over a month.

While i was having a wet shave this mornining i thought i may as do my head as well.
Also using a Mach 3 and it was so easy. Had put off using a razor for fear of any cuts, hence getting the electric shaver.
Should have just bit the bullet and saved the £35.
Been using a cheap electric head shaver for just over a month.

While i was having a wet shave this mornining i thought i may as do my head as well.
Also using a Mach 3 and it was so easy. Had put off using a razor for fear of any cuts, hence getting the electric shaver.
Should have just bit the bullet and saved the £35.

I used to go against the grain. That caused issues. Going with the grain is better. Just take your time....
Spooky, I came back to the thread to ask the exact same question. I use clippers to take mine down to a 1-2, but it's so easy to miss patches when you're doing it yourself. The new-fangled skull shavers seem like a great design, but I don't want to go full on hooligan*.

*If only. What I actually look like with a shaved head is a borderline survivor of a serious illness.
Having been there when I first started shaving my head, this made me chuckle, the only reason I get away with it is because of a beard.

I remember when I first shaved to a 0 and visited my nonna for the first time since doing so, this was pre-beard.
She didn't say anything but the look on her face said it all, she was absolutely mortified :(
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Maybe. I searched 'bald' and didn't find what I needed so just thought I'd post.

Hmmm, maybe the clippers I have are fine then. I thought there might be something to get it a little shorter without being completely skinhead.

Did you find any alternatives to clippers? I was tracking this thread back when you posted and most replies seem to be recommendations for a closer shave.
I currently use a Remmington beard trimmer.
Did you find any alternatives to clippers? I was tracking this thread back when you posted and most replies seem to be recommendations for a closer shave.
I currently use a Remmington beard trimmer.

No not really, it seems that unless you want to go completely skin head that hair clippers are the best option.

I was looking at this, but haven't bought one yet - https://groomhere.co.uk
Philips One Blade?

Lots of attachments and guards one of them is an adjustable one that can go to 0.4mm? Or skin tight with no attachment. It’s only £35 in curry’s.
The Remington RX5 is what I use. I did think about the RX5 but a review I read said that it didn't really offer many more features to justify the extra cost. My original RX5 stopped working but I was able to get it replaced under warranty and that's the one I have now. Every time I use it I clean it out and put some liquid soap through the blades and rinse it down then let it all dry off. It's been fine for me so far.
Not a bald, but am a self-hair cutter.

For sides and back I have a 'Remington Professional Hair Clipper' (model not stated on the box) with the all important feature of 'lube for life' blades.

It's about 10 years old at least, and the plastic clipper attachments breaking is the only issue I've had, possibly due to age and wear.

Previously I had some clippers that needed lubing, and it was thirsty for it. Any lack of lube and it quickly started pulling hair out rather than cutting it.
I use babyliss beard trimmers for my head and beard. It gets my head that little bit shorter than clippers. The cheaper ones are usually rubbish. Unsure what model I havez there years old now.
I got drunk recently and decided to go for the full bald look and I ended up loving it. I just used my Harry's razer to cut it no issues. I have since however cut myself quite badly on the back of my head, which led to lots of bleeding and a horrible scab on the back of my head for a week.

So I've just bought one of these; https://groomhere.co.uk/products/trimmer

Trim Pod 2.0. Seems to get good reviews and is half price at the moment for Black Friday. I'll share my thoughts when I get it for anyone interested.
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