Headphones recommendations for a newbie

beyer dynamic dt770pro - end thread :)

Read up on www.head-fi.org

His budget is £70 max though /reopen thread + you'll probably need a decent amp for beyer dynamic dt770pro
the hd555 and goldring dr150 will sound better than those unamped especially the goldrings they are 32 ohm same as grado's.
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His budget is £70 max though /reopen thread + you'll probably need a decent amp for beyer dynamic dt770pro
the hd555 and goldring dr150 will sound better than those unamped especially the goldrings they are 32 ohm same as grado's.

He states his budget is about £70 - not max £70, my advice listen to a pair of 770 pro (80ohm version) if you can. I use a pair unamped with a Cowon D2 and out of an Asus D2X, they don't need an amp but will be even better with one.:) Cheapest pair are about £90 ish online ( I paid £80 about a year ago ). If you call one of the many hifi shops in Tottenham Ct. Road, London road they may do a deal or Dolphin music will price match if you email them.
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Ive had some HD555's. They are very comfortable but they do 'leak' a little sound but thats not really a problem.

Overall, I was pleased with them. Worth a buy anyway.
leak sound? You're aware they are an open headphone design, thus sound will be heard outside the headphone and you will be able to hear some ambient noise as well.
I have a pair of the HD 595's and they are great. Very comfortable and I love gaming with them.:D

I assume the HD 555's are almost as good so would be a great buy for the price.
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