I'm on the fence on this one - there is a lot of BS and myths often perpetuated by people who've never done any real testing of their own and often people are talking about distortion which isn't always a negative but... but also I can't completely agree with Dowie and those making similar claims based on 100s of hours messing about with DIY DACs and amps.
You're not wrong about the BS. There's tons of it, but then how is this any different from most other hobbies?
As an example, those who talk about buying something based upon measurements:
- How many of us have the knowledge, equipment and opportunity to really test a component?
- Do we even know what the important measurements are?
- Who is providing those measurements and do they have their own agendas? Most people seem to have, even if it's just to justify why they bought item X
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that measurements are pointless, but again, they need to be taken with a definite pinch of salt
My current thinking is to use available info to possibly shortlist options, but then to always rely on my own ears to make that final decision.
People talk about placebo, but as long as you go into a test with the clear understanding that bigger/more brash/more expensive most certainly doesn't mean better, then I don't understand the issue.
After all, I'd rather spend less and go on holiday with the savings that feel the desire to spend a whole bunch of wonga.