Heat issues with H45 AIO cooler, since changing mobo

18 Jul 2015
Greetings all.

I have had chronic issues with an old motherboard and have hence had to replace it with a new to me board.

Since moving to the new board, I have had real issues with cooling. I've previously used the Corsair H45 cooler for 8 months with temps where they need to be, but now with the same case / fan config and this new Mobo, my Core 0 is hitting 100c after a minute or two of Handbrake encoding.

I have cleaned and reapplied the paste numerous times and each time I remove, the spread on the CPU looks OK. Cores 2 & 3 (as labeled) are always OK but Core 0 followed closely by Core 1 are hot. I have tried adjusting voltage in an effort to reduce heat created and have also tried the CPU block installed at 90degrees, just in case of a flow issue.

I have checked that the pump FAN header is correctly fitted and the pump is always at max speed, with the CPU Opt speeding up as the temp peaks. All to no avail. I can feel the water moving, so I am sure that still works, but otherwise I am at a bit of a loss.

I feel a little like the block isn't really tight against the CPU and I am not sure if reapplying the back mount, has in some how reduced the overall depth, I kept the original sticky pad from first time around... Anyone got any smart ideas?

BTW I am using a brand new tube of ARCTIC MX-4 Edition 2019

Image for info.
Last edited:
28 Dec 2017
Can't see the pictures.

How is the spread of thermal paste when removing the cooler? Does it look like it was adequately squeezed out, all over?

Is there a speed reading for the pump?

How are case temperatures in general? Does it heat up over time? (I don't imagine this is the issue).

Is it the same CPU as before? What is it? It's possible the thermal paste under the IHS has hardened and been fractured if it's a 2nd generation Intel or newer e.g. 2x00, 3xx0, 4xx0 etc. If so, a delid and repaste would help.
18 Jul 2015
Can't see the pictures.

How is the spread of thermal paste when removing the cooler? Does it look like it was adequately squeezed out, all over?

Is there a speed reading for the pump?

How are case temperatures in general? Does it heat up over time? (I don't imagine this is the issue).

Is it the same CPU as before? What is it? It's possible the thermal paste under the IHS has hardened and been fractured if it's a 2nd generation Intel or newer e.g. 2x00, 3xx0, 4xx0 etc. If so, a delid and repaste would help.

  • If I left click and show image in new tab, I see it. Odd.
  • It's been pretty much covered, but given how the cooler comes stock with pre-applied thermal paste I'd say its never as good. I've just redone it with a thin spread rather than a pea sized dot (due to the fitting, you never get it to come down flat, so it seems a better way to be sure it covers it all).
  • Speed reading is in the 4000's, for all levels of work load. The fan in front of the rad ramps up at 70c.
  • Temps in general have been mid thirties to high twenties on low use. The jump about 60c immediately after starting Handbrake
  • Same CPU. It's a 4790k, had it about 4 years now. A delid seems a bit sketch, has it become a bit more idiot proof these days?
Thanks for the thoughts. Interesting to see what you think.
28 Dec 2017
So basically, good temps at idle = loop doing well, immediate high temps at load sounds like heat trapped under IHS.

Delidding has become pretty foolproof in the sense you can buy tools for it these days. It's generally just been well documented by lots of people. I've done one with a vice and one with a cheap tool. There's also a very professional tool available for sale called the Delid Die-Mate.

Definitely a candidate for delid by the sound of it!

Edit: do you get much heat coming out the radiator under load?
18 Jul 2015
Perfect cheers, since doing a bit of fan work etc. and looking at voltage / modest OC, I can now stick at about 70ish peak. Core 0 is still maybe 8c more than all others at low use, but maybe 20c more at load.

Will give some serious thought to delidding though. Thanks for your input.
15 Apr 2019
Perfect cheers, since doing a bit of fan work etc. and looking at voltage / modest OC, I can now stick at about 70ish peak. Core 0 is still maybe 8c more than all others at low use, but maybe 20c more at load.

Will give some serious thought to delidding though. Thanks for your input.
8°C temp difference between cores at idle and 20°C temp difference between cores under load is very likely due to TIM between CPU die and IHS no longer being effective.

As LuckyBenski suggested above, a delid is recommended so you can replace the old TIM with liquid metal. Read some tutorials and watch some YouTube videos of the delidding process. With the delid tools available these days, delidding has become a very straightforward procedure.
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