Heaviest band / song?

The two heaviest bands in the world are The Berzerker and Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

Incidentally, two of the worst bands in the world are The Berzerker and Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

Spirit7 said:
Try some underground Norwegian black metal, I don't think you really can get heavier than that....something like Mayhem or Black Witchery (both awful though, imho...good black metal are bands like Emperor, Enslaved, Dimmu Borgir, Darkthrone etc)...


Underground? Hardly.

Black Metal is all treble. Heavy music needs bass.

My recommendation: Iron Monkey. Riffs that split skulls, drums that will rupture organs and more balls-out attitude than just about the rest of this thread combined.

Check out Charlton Heston's Floor, 666pack, Big Loader and Supagorganizer.

Haha, yeah i saw that. Apparently Jim Carey is a BIG fan! :D

As for The Berzerker and Nosebleed being two of the worst bands, we shall have to agree to disagree. ;)
Heavy music is different things to different people. I wouldn't say bands like The Locust are anywhere near the top of the heavy pops.
Personally, some of the true heavy (rock/metal) bands I've seen or heard are:

Jesu - these guys are almost TOO heavy to listen to live (also check out Godflesh)
Isis - top top top band anyway
Cult of Luna - especially tracks like 'Leave me here' on their Salvation LP
Mistress - local brummie grind band that have some pretty brutal riffage :)

Oh, another very heavy band live are Sunn o)))
They play 'drone' type stuff....this is a very aquired taste tho...I myself don't think much of it at all.

Just thought of a couple more. There was a grind band called 'Dahmer'...not really heavy music as such but the vocalist used a pitchshifter on his vocals to make them stupidly heavy! Quite entertaining.
Also, the mighty Nile have some heavy riffage on an 'Egyptian tip'
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penski said:
The two heaviest bands in the world are The Berzerker and Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

Incidentally, two of the worst bands in the world are The Berzerker and Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

Underground? Hardly.

Black Metal is all treble. Heavy music needs bass.

My recommendation: Iron Monkey. Riffs that split skulls, drums that will rupture organs and more balls-out attitude than just about the rest of this thread combined.

Check out Charlton Heston's Floor, 666pack, Big Loader and Supagorganizer.


I think you can be heavy without bass. The thing about black metal is that it' s just relentless, a wall of buzz in your ear...heavy like having a swarm of bees upon you or something. Also - I'd say that the majority of the genre (with the exception of Dimmu Borgir) is still pretty underground...

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Sepultura - Straight hate - Roots
Pantera - Drag the waters - The great southern trendkill

Close runners up:

Metallica - master of puppets - " "
System of a down - Sugar - Self entitled.
This is quite subjective really,you have to take into consideration the era in which a so called heavy sound was recorded.Yes there are many extreme bands around now that have a very heavy sound but the majority of these are just jumping on the bandwagon and copying what has gone before,not all I hasten to add,there are a few brilliant and original bands still coming through.

For the Ultimate heaviness in music I believe you need to go back to Black Sabbaths early albums the first of which was recorded in 1970,heavy guitar riffs were pretty much non-exsistent in this day,Hendrix,Zeppelin and Purple were breaking through but none of them had established a true heavy sound,not until Sabbath layed down tracks such as NIB,Black Sabbath,wicked world and the Wizard had this type of sound even been imagined let alone perfected.

So for me Black Sabbath still have the heaviest sound in the history of Rock Music,Symptom Of The Universe was and still is the most astonishingly heavy song I've ever heard,I know its not as noisy as some of the modern day recordings but for me it has that undefinable heaviness,its just heavy as **** man. :D
Every band I would have mentioned has already been in this thread but I agree with the guy who said Anaal Nathrakh are the heaviest band ever. I like Pig Destroyer, Napalm Death etc and have always considered them to be pretty extreme but when I listened to Anaal Nathrakh I re-evaluated. For those who don't know Anaal is a Mistress side project (well two guys from Mistress) and is likely to be un-listenable for most. I LOVE heavy music but I can't take Anaal seriously, to me it's just funny to see someone making music that 'nasty'.
To smit101... it's got nothing about jumping bandwagaon's, lol. Sabbath are the pwnage, fo SHO! But it's about what's the "heaviest" music, period. Sure Sabbath were the heaviest of their time, but that doesn't mean jack when asked who the heaviest band is. Your arguing the fundamentals of metal itself and where it came from mate, that thread is THAT'A way!
Wow, there are some good comments on this thread!!!

But whoever said Metalica and err Prodigy??? You what?

I am just going to ignore Lawnmower Deth ( I do love them BTW) and the Beatles? U what?

I love Nailbomb but strictly speaking they only ever did one album!
I have to agree with Napalm Death also. They are the original Death Matal band! :)

Edit: just listened to some converge. Not that heavy IMO, plenty heavier listed already.
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Spirit7 said:
Try some underground Norwegian black metal, I don't think you really can get heavier than that....something like Mayhem or Black Witchery (both awful though, imho...good black metal are bands like Emperor, Enslaved, Dimmu Borgir, Darkthrone etc)...


Was just going to say some Dimmu (:

Lamb of god? Not that heavy really..errm

Burzum? Even I don't like them o.o
sist_si said:
Jesu - these guys are almost TOO heavy to listen to live (also check out Godflesh)
Isis - top top top band anyway
Cult of Luna - especially tracks like 'Leave me here' on their Salvation LP
I like this guy.

Are Jesu worth checking out though? I saw them supporting Isis last year in Bristol and they bored me to tears, but I've since read good things.
try Dry Kill Logics first album "Nightmare". ok you cant compare it too balck metal which i dont think is that heavy to be honest... just noise and shrieking :-) but DKL have some heavy riffs. and a singer you can listen too.

also check out Geezer Butlers album plastic planet (i forgot his other), they have some heavy riffs and sound real dirty.

gotta agree with what someone said about Black Sabbath, dont really listen to them a lot but some of there albums stand up to what is considered heavy today.

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Big Chris said:
I like this guy.

Are Jesu worth checking out though? I saw them supporting Isis last year in Bristol and they bored me to tears, but I've since read good things.

I much preferred Jesu on record. You can distinguish everything that's going on in the music much better. I saw them with Isis and with Pelican in Brum and it was either too loud or the sound was bad. Stupid as it sounds, the album is quite a good one to chill out to....well I think so anyway...although, I do have a Godflesh song that someone gave me on a mix cd and I thought that was better than Jesu. *Mental note* I must get hold of an album.

As for Anaal...I haven't heard them yet either..their reputation preceeds them though by the sounds of it! My mates and I know one or two of the guys from Mistress from being out and about in Brum
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