Helblade help

17 May 2013
West Sussex, UK
Anyone played this game recently? I'm very stuck and can't get passed a certain bit. I've watched a walkthrough, but I'm seeing different things.


This video walk thorough is where I'm stuck. I go into the room under the wooden beam and see the door with the R on it. I fight off the enemies and my screen goes red, blurry vision, almost like she's poisoned or something. I originally attempted to run away, but I die in around 30 seconds.

The walkthrough shows this differently. Once the enemies are down they proceed with the puzzle.

Can anyone shed any light?
The bit on this particular segment where i was stuck was fighting the enemies at which point the torch is dropped. And because the torch is dropped I was being killed. So as soon as you kill all the enemies you have to pick the torch back up within a short time. Not sure if its exactly that, that you are also stuck on (3:35 on that video).
Yeap it was very frustrating for me and I missed the bit where Senua picks up the torch in the video until I took a few views closely. Think that was the only time I was really stuck in the game. Like you I tried everything ie running away or doing things differently.
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