Helicopter sims?

Mike said:
Nope, but given it uses an established engine and seems fairly advanced so I doubt it's too far away.
I first heard about it ages ago. I would have thought it'd be out already.
bloodline76 said:
So you are saying that you tk to get that chopper...tut tut :mad:

lol nah i dont... often ;)

if im patiently waitin for a chopper and someone whores it even though its supposed to be the first person waitin is the pilot then i have have been known for attaching some c4 to their chopper.. and blowing them sky high... but they deserve it for being whores! :mad:
Thats bad form, getting a jet or whatever is just luck of the draw and knowing your spawn points. The idea is to have a competitive server and if they'll crap they will die and be back again to try and get it. Eventually you should get a go and if you deserve the jet you wont get shot down.

I only let someone take the jet if I constantly keep crashing or they are a co pilot then they get turns flying instead.

Iam glad to hear bf2 isnt considered that realistic, I didnt really think it was just didnt realise there was anything that much better out there. I heard bf1 was better for this but I never played it, also the new heli in the AF mod flys better?

Doesnt look like black shark will be multiplayer killing in the same way though which is a pity, dont much like singleplayer games anymore
Another Vote For Lock On Black Shark.....

Some Cool Videos of it in action here.... http://www.thebattlesim.com/index.php?end_pos=133&scr=products&lang=en

I Present you the Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark..........


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Looks awesome, thanks for the links. The videos make me think another monitor will be needed or an extremely large main screen. Maybe one screen for outside view and one for dials if thats possible.

Its a russian made game?
silversurfer said:
Looks awesome, thanks for the links. The videos make me think another monitor will be needed or an extremely large main screen. Maybe one screen for outside view and one for dials if thats possible.

Its a russian made game?

Yep. A russian Development team owned by The Fighter Collection in Duxford, UK.

Oh and 2 screens? My Setup.......


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