Helldivers 2

I am quite unforgiving, expect basic gameplay mechanics to work with a high degree of reliability and don't make much accommodation for that kind of failure in my approach. At times I've probably been playing a lot more intensively than most as well - though slacked off a bit the last few days.
Gaming is being really ****** annoying today :( dodged a bile spewer and as I ran off killed by myself apparently... shot a charger in the head with Quasar and killed by impact..., shot at a smaller bug and somehow one of those exploding plants blew up despite shooting nowhere near it, propelling me a quarter of the way across the map and into scenery where I was stuck...
Yeah two things spring to mind about basics on that, 1) bug breaches as you say - soon as that happens a ton will sprout up and they will likely track you so you kind of need to deal with it or not let it breach. 2) the longer the mission goes on the more the enemy spawns, kind of giving an incentive to complete and exit (you also get better bonus in the post mission goodies which is nice when your lower levels).

My other gripe is people that reinforce throw you into the thick of it or in dodgy locations end up wasting the budget. It is far better to place in a withdraw spot so you can go back later and pick up the essentials.
I play the opposite to you... You can absolutely outrun a breach with relative ease, and if you're gonna reinforce me, throw me back in the direction I died nine times out of ten. I don't care what's there because most of the time, you can run through it, grab your stuff, and then outrun whatever is there. I hate it when someone reinforces me far away because of a few bugs/robots.
Maybe you are just a pro! Or likely you have not taken on the higher difficulty yet? Anyway I still enjoy the game in fact going to jump on for a session right now! :p
I wish I was a pro, but alas, no. It gets easier once you realise it's a running simulator with a few objectives thrown in.

Usually play on suicide & impossible depending on which friends are on.
Maybe you are just a pro! Or likely you have not taken on the higher difficulty yet? Anyway I still enjoy the game in fact going to jump on for a session right now! :p

If you've got the armour with higher speed and stamina stats combined with the stamina booster you can even run through and outrun the bug hordes with helldive - just chargers that can catch you if they are bent on it and you have to be careful around hunters and stalkers.

I pretty much never die on helldive difficulty unless either the game ***** up, join mid game into a bad situation, or we are fighting from a static position like the final minute or so when extracting.

If you've ever run Doom slaughter maps on UV/Nightmare, Helldivers 2 against bugs is easy in comparison heh.
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With randoms you can have people just abandon or maybe they crash. With my regular mates in a full group its dead easy. However.. when your only two/three then some missions can go really sour pretty quickly. If this never happens then it wont be something you experience (I have had it and while challenging stand by my point). :)
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It gets easier once you realise it's a running simulator with a few objectives thrown in.

This is the case if you want to be "efficient" about it. I did two runs the other night with the same team on Suicide - we ended up getting split up, and without planning basically ran around the map hitting objectives with strategems and running away. It worked incredibly well, and was enjoyable in an SAS-kinda-way....the only time we acutally got in trouble was when we stood our ground and fought as you quickly get overwhelmed.

Thankfully this game is the most fun when you do get trigger happy.
Well that is a new one - stratagem button presses not being recognised...

Yeah I had this today. Random at extraction on the small base you had to kill bugs defending, throws an eagle right in front of me when we had cleared that direction (ok deep breath), then im pressing space to nudge them and so was this other dead diver and we watched them throw about 6 down and none of them got us back in. Mission completed but two of us didn't extract, forgot about that till you mentioned it.
Getting really bored of being lasered by bile spewers as well - where even if you dive the bile just sort of angles towards you like the game has already decided you are dead a few seconds ago.

Had about 1 good game in every 12 today - usually just end up quitting out after a few minutes as I can't be bothered trying to wait out my stratagems for equipment and/or get it back after dying due to stupid stuff.

Also whoever decided to ramp up the terrain interaction physics with the recent patch needs slapping around the head - it just magnifies any network issues, etc. even when the game has relatively limited prediction requirements compared to something like a PVP arena shooter.
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Also whoever decided to ramp up the terrain interaction physics with the recent patch needs slapping around the head - it just magnifies any network issues, etc. even when the game has relatively limited prediction requirements compared to something like a PVP arena shooter.
First time I have had time to play and I am sure sprinting was slower than it previously was.
First time I have had time to play and I am sure sprinting was slower than it previously was.

They seem to have increased the impact on movement speed certain slopes have and generally amped up the physics interaction with the environment and largely it isn't a good idea as in a networked game it just magnifies any problems when network conditions are less than excellent - related to that I think why people are seeing more instances of monsters clipping through terrain, etc.

My guess/hope is one of the recent patches rushed out to fix crashing has pushed out code which isn't entirely polished yet.
They seem to have increased the impact on movement speed certain slopes have and generally amped up the physics interaction with the environment and largely it isn't a good idea as in a networked game it just magnifies any problems when network conditions are less than excellent - related to that I think why people are seeing more instances of monsters clipping through terrain, etc.

My guess/hope is one of the recent patches rushed out to fix crashing has pushed out code which isn't entirely polished yet.
lets hope the next patch sorts it out or it gets tweaked.

seems like you should be going faster than you should be
I'm thinking AT mines

Mines are usually a bit **** in my experience and sometimes aren't properly visible, or not from some angles, so you or a team mate end up getting blown up by them at some point :s

And if you have my luck you'll put them in what seems a really good position, that the enemy always come through, and then they never do that entire mission...
Mines are usually a bit **** in my experience and sometimes aren't properly visible, or not from some angles, so you or a team mate end up getting blown up by them at some point :s

And if you have my luck you'll put them in what seems a really good position, that the enemy always come through, and then they never do that entire mission...
Yeah I know, but I think if they were actually effective at killing big stuff that might make them worth carrying and we'd spam them around more.

The airburst I'm like "well I got my eagle cluster strike for that" and I can call that down loads of times. The airburst isn't gonna help with heavies which are the real issue most games. I reckon the airburst would be fun as hell though so really I'm easy. I mean we'll get both eventually right
Hi all,

I've just started playing this the other day, it's brilliant. Napalming a load of bugs is so fun! Do ocuk have a discord server or anything for this one?

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