18 Apr 2006
Anyone else like the look of this online shooter ? Made by the developers who did Magicka. Sort of a 'Smash tv' mission based solo/co-op/MP shoot em up.

There's a persistant online battle against three enemies where the community has to fight back and take territories.

Might just grab a copy.

> Website <
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That's what's sprang instantly to mind when watching that trailer. Looks like it might be a hell of a lot of fun.
Yeah, it certainly does spring to mind !

ForceStrategyGaming is live streaming it now (Twitch), it looks pretty decent so far. Hovering over purchase......
Not my cup of tea really don't think il be getting this.

umm ok?! :confused: gotta keep them post counts up ;)

anyway, looks pretty fun. thought drop ships landing of folk was hilarious

Service guarantees citizenship! Do you want to know more?

That's what's sprang instantly to mind when watching that trailer. Looks like it might be a hell of a lot of fun.

Well I've played 2+ hours and it's really growing on me. I struggled with the controls at first but once you know what your doing K+M are probaly the best way to play.

The game is a more strategic version of 'Infested Planet' in an isometric view with polished graphics and nice effects.

The campaign can be played solo or co-op, where you select a zone and complete procedurally generated missions. Each zone has planets that range in difficulty and offer rewards ranging from bonus XP, supplies and other shiny things. It is repetative, your basically doing the same thing over and over but as you rank up and unlock new goodies the enemies grow in size and variation plus it gets hard!!

One thing is for sure, you can't just go into all missions guns blazing as you have limited ammo, turrets, revives, air strikes etc etc plus if your in a multiplayer game drops can splatter your team mates, turrets can also rip them apart plus there is friendly fire which cannot be turned off :D
I have it but on, PS4. I would have got it on PC but they didn't entertain the idea of a PC port.

Good game though and maybe I will rebuy it when it's dirt cheap.
May have to try this. Bit like a cross between Alien Swarm and DOW!

...although I've just seen the price :(
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