Hellgate London

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
First Person RPG/Shooter type game set in the future. Attention to detail appears pretty good with a lot of the structures modeled on London itself to give it some authenticity. My impression is that its simmilar to Painkiller but a lot darker and maybe a more mature storyline. Get very good reviews from E3. Is it on anyone wish list ?

Official Webby

E3 Trailer
I think it is more RPG than anything else so I expect it won't be much like painkiller gameplay wise. This looks really good, it might be worth a go. I hear all the maps are randomly generated so it's different every time you play it through.

Look I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but this game has been in development FOR EVER :rolleyes: They update the website about once every six months, and I fear that this may be another Duke Nukem, waiting to happen...
Really looking forward to this game!

Edit: ops forget those links didnt notice the E3 one in the OP. :)
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When and if it comes out they will need to have sorted out the various licensing issues/permissions though

If they're going to have "London" in the game title the Underground stations need to *be*London Underground stations (not some generic subterannean railway system), the landmarks will need to be recognisable, the buses, street furniture etc will have to look right. If they don't get this right the game will be a joke and will be just another generic zombie shooter :rolleyes:
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When I forst saw it I thought it was a FPS but it is much more RPG, the fighting especially (all stats etc) which put me off a bit.

However saying that I just started playing Oblivion last week and I currently think that RPGs are cool!
puppy said:
When and if it comes out they will need to have sorted out the various licensing issues/permissions though

If they're going to have "London" in the game title the Underground stations need to *be*London Underground stations (not some generic subterannean railway system), the landmarks will need to be recognisable, the buses, street furniture etc will have to look right. If they don't get this right the game will be a joke and will be just another generic zombie shooter :rolleyes:
Do you need permission to use public landmarks though? I'm thinking since they are publically owned you might not. Anyway it's not going to be an accurate portrayal of London since most of it is randomised.
Also since theres been an invasion of demons i doubt if there would be much landmarks left, or they will be bits blasted out off them to make it look different and thus no longer 'copyrighted'
Last Kronin said:
Also since theres been an invasion of demons i doubt if there would be much landmarks left, or they will be bits blasted out off them to make it look different and thus no longer 'copyrighted'
On the site there is a screenshot of the houses of parliament so there will be some landmarks.
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