Yea, yours is a lot worse than mine.Normal things people take for granted like remembering what you had for breakfast or for me at the top of the stairs "hey that is a great subject to do a talk on for my vlog" me at the bottom of the stairs "uhm I know that I had a cool subject to talk about but it is gone", putting together flatpack furniture is always fun as I keep having to look at the instructions again and again.
It sucks and is made worse my consultant thinks because of my ADHD and Bipolar depression, So I try to concentrate on a tutorial in a new game while they are teaching me the controls but my ADHD makes me want to keep looking to the left at that really cool texture they used on a wall and my depression pipes in and does the equivalent of "what is the point, you won't remember it in 2 minutes, oh I know Paola plays the same game as you ask her about the controls....."
Not a bad day today looking forward to tomorrow and being able to order a new chair.
Ohh yay my vlog today you gave me a great idea for it and I am writing it here so I don't forget, "Appreciate your own body, your health because things can change really fast" and boy will you miss stuff like a good memory.
I feel for you dude.