Hello from Turkey :D

18 Jul 2017
I am a Kurdish, and I live in Turkey, Izmir. I heard this website from my friend and decide to join. Let's enjoy :D

And you can ask me questions about my country, anything you want to learn.

So, president Erdogan - good thing or bad thing in your opinion?

I never voted him. Actually, I hate him. He always uses religion in policy. But, half of people love him. He takes 50% of the votes. He changed system of government in Turkey. Many of the people in Turkey don't believe justice now. president erdogan is very strong in Turkey. He can arrest anyone he wants to do. So I hate him. But 50% of the people, really love him. Because they are ignorant and religious.

Turkey has 80 million people. Half of these people are religious but other half is secular. So there is a hard fight in here :D The elections are very hard.

And, Whats your opinion about him?
Never met the man ;)

I've been to Turkey a number of times but not in the last few years. My impression is that Erdogan must be more popular away from the Mediterranean resorts as he's not helping those working in the tourist industry. And as for decisions such as restricting the teaching of evolution - Atatürk must be spinning in his grave!

You know many thing about Turkey :D I impressed.

I think you are a Turkish, are you?
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