Help a guy win a bet.

Clerkin said:
theres no time frame tho, hes bound to get it eventually.

OAP 3some :p
Read the contract ;)
He has until the 1st April 2007.

I can't believe that that counter is counting unique hits, at the rate it's going up...
I can't believe that that counter is counting unique hits, at the rate it's going up...

I don't. Not at all.

If it was true and he is getting what, more then 1000 uniques an hour he could be self employed using Google Ads.

Sorry, im a sceptic (sp?)
In fact, if it was counting unique hits, then it could only have started about 10-20 minutes ago... (not to mention he'd probably need a VDS to host the site).
Inquisitor said:
In fact, if it was counting unique hits, then it could only have started about 10-20 minutes ago... (not to mention he'd probably need a VDS to host the site).

Yes, plus at the start of this topic it had 20k visits (apparently) and even then it had:

ue to potentially high bandwidth issues,
has agreed to sponsor my web page...
They're kinda like Netflix for video games.

That was just more then one month (end of Feb - April)

Now, in 15mins he has more then doubled in popularity and the 'bandwidth' is going fine and speed is great
chris_r said:
That link to the dating site looks like a refferal link, i bet its a con

Your right about the referall link, just checked that out. I'm not sure about the whole thing being a con though, although i suppose it could very well be...
It'll get two million hits easily, because it targets the kind of naive people who are willing to spread the site via bebo/myspace/msn/yahoo or whatever they use these days. "Help dis guy get a freesum lol!!!" the masses will scream, and alas... he will get what he wants.

A quick WHOIS on the domain name reveals it's registered to a Brent Williams. Why does he claim his name is Jim when the domain is registered in someone elses name? The Metrodate link looks like a referral link, and multiplying the size of the page (About 25KB) by the number of claimed hits, he's only transferred about 1GB so far. That's hardly enough to warrant "sponsorship" from Infact, if he was being sponsored by them, they'd most likely pay him a flat fee rather than get him to put up a referral link.

So please, stop spreading that rubbish :)
Gilly said:
No, but I did.

And only towards her, not towards you :p

I hope not!!!


Al Vallario said:
It'll get two million hits easily, because it targets the kind of naive people who are willing to spread the site

Or maybe it's for real, it's just fun anyway buddy, don't think too much :D
My foot is firmly planted in the 'it's a guy out making a fast buck' camp.
Not a bad idea considering the crud that flies about on the net now, he'll have his 5 minutes of fame and maybe make a decent five figure sum out of it. Fair play I say.
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