Help Biostar I45 + Q6600 overclocking

I cant get temp reading after intel burn test but after 3Dmark i got like 33 idle and 55 burn, these tems are ok so what is cousing this instability????
Thanks guys for quick replies
ok so i run torture test large FFT and windows restarts so i dont know which of the 4 cores was unstable when i run small FFT for each core separately 30 min. no errors, i run blend test as well but after 5 min. restart. So what should i do????
3.8 is quite ambitious for a q6600. Also your cpu voltage is low for that overclock. Try checking your VID on Coretemp this will tell you the volts needed for about 3.0 ghz its usually 1.325 try upping from this.
Bios and cpu z shoved about 1.45 - 1.47
NB and FSB was 1.35 - 1.37
Was GTL Ref settings ok?
Or should i up the voltage? What is safe?
What's the highest multiplier your cpu has?

I'd increase that from 9 so you can reduce your fsb as maybe your board can't run it as high as 423.

It's sometimes better to have a high multi as possible.

Also just noticed your row cycle is set to 52, that can't be right, use a program called cpuz to check the defualt row cycle. Also check what the timings are for your ram and make sure they are set correctly.

Failing blend is normally down to the ram.
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The highest is 9 and cpu-z shows row cycle 52 as well. Just checked in memset the EPP standart shows 68 and JEDEC 0 51 so i gona change this in bios, do you think i should relax timmings for like 6-6-6-16 or change this extra dram settings as well????
I'm guessing you didn't work your way up to 3.8GHz and jumped straight in?

If you're going for an ambitious overclock (anything over 3.2GHz on a Q6600) you should take small steps to ensure stability.

Step one, achieving 3.2GHz stable. A few Q6600s can do this on stock voltages. You should try it, thoroughly stress test and increase the voltage using the smallest increment possible in your bios if you need to.

If you hit 3.2GHz fully stable on stock voltages, then increase the bus speed to around 366 for 3.3GHz. This will more than likely require a little more voltage. Make sure your RAM speed is kept as close to stock as possible, if you're a little over the rated speed, bump the voltage up slightly.

Just to compare, I'm running at 3.6GHz with 1.5v. Idle around 28-30C and peak temperature of 66C Prime95 large FFTs after 3 hours. Intel burn test further increases this temperate to 79C on maximum stress after 5 runs.
I'd say about 1.45v is as high as you should go on good air, the tpower is good up to at least 500fsb, you should aim to start at 3.5 and work your way up, mine will do 3.2 on stock volts.
you right i just upped fsb and voltage so i reached 4 Ghz but not stable, i was a bit impatient :) and wanted to know how high i can oc q6600. I try what you sad, 3.2 stable and then work my way up. Thanks for advice i let u know how i progressed and i might have some more questions later.
Keep in mind, the TPower isn't great at quad clocking, it much prefers E0 stepping dual-cores.
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