Help! Crashing after new RAM....

8 Nov 2003
I have an Athlon 64x2 3500 and an Abit AV8. I have just upgraded from 1Gb Ballistix PC4000 ram to Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2.

My system is not overclocked at all and I just wanted more RAM as I use photoshop a lot.

Installed the RAM last night and the machine is now unstable. BSoD and Hard Resets!!

I have tried runnng it with SPD, Auto and Manual settings and Auto seems the best.

Any ideas? I have not touched anything else, why cant things just work.
Not to put too much of a downer on things, but I had that mobo before getting my DFI and couldn't get my old 2GB Corsair Kit working in it. I tried everything, but it worked with either one of the DIMMS in, but both together equaled no no. :(

Does MemTest (Test 8) kick up any errors?
Mikey1280 said:
As above try memtest, ballistix is infamous for failing

He's not using Ballistix, he's upgraded to Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2.

Memtest86+ is the first port of call in this situation :)
Common mistake is not to check the vdimm.. Those newer sticks have tighter timings than the outgoing sticks so make sure those sticks are getting enough juice..

They should be at least 2.7 or 2.75 volts or as per manufacturers specification. If it's any less, you are likely to get BSOD errors.

Hope that helps - post back.
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I tried it at 2.7v and it was better. Now trying 2.8v, no crashes yet. Will keep you informed.
Just hard reset again!

The settings are on auto, do you think I should manually put the settings in for what the memory is rated?
The RAM is capable of 2-3-3-6 but what does that relate to on my board. I have many more RAM options than that!

I know 2 is CAS2 but what about the rest?

Cheers for the help guys.
its 2.5-3-3-6 for AMD boards, 2-3-3-6 for Intel boards.

so set it to that^^

then run for a few passes
and report back what happens

run it with one ram stick in on its own in DIMM1
then the other ram stick on its own in DIMM1
then both ram sticks in (DIMM1+2) blue coloured slots(?)
then both ram sticks in (DIMM3+4) purple coloured slots(?)

run all the tests @ 2.5-3-3-6
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Didnt get into windows at those timings!!

Not tried memtest yet.

when I select by spd it runs really slow timings. I thought the timings on the spd were the proper ones eg 2-3-3-6.

I have I been given the wrong sticks.
Is the latest bios worth putting on? I am about 4 bios's out of date. Do they affect memory.
yes it is worth putting the latest bios on, and yes it can potentially affect the relationship between your motherboard and the memory, as fixes are introduced in each release, not neccessarily documented though.

and btw select manual settings not spd.
What is the exact BSOD message?

Have you set the page file correctly?

Have you tried putting the old memory modules back in just to see if it isn't anything else.

Try installing one stick at a time in seprate banks. If the you get BSODs on one particular stick, it's likley to be poor RAM.

Process of elimination time im affraid.

Also, you had PC4000 in your old settup.. Does this mean you had the FSB running above 200Mhz (400Mhz effective). If so, check that your new PC3200 is running at the correct speed and not any previous speed settings, which maybe too high.
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Put my old memory back in now and is running fine. I always run at default (200MHz).

I have tried all settings. I left Memtest for a while and no errors came up.

I think its just compatability.

I havnt tried the bios yet as my hard drive is not showing up on the dos prompt so i need to put the bios stuff on a floppy.
Spit said:
Put my old memory back in now and is running fine. I always run at default (200MHz).

I have tried all settings. I left Memtest for a while and no errors came up.

I think its just compatability.

I havnt tried the bios yet as my hard drive is not showing up on the dos prompt so i need to put the bios stuff on a floppy.

have you tried running one stick at a time on your new stuff - i can't helping thinking that if it isn't your settings, then the stuff is faulty.

Your running corair which is pretty common . I've used the same RAM with the same mobo using BIOS release 1006 straight out of the box..

Are your sure your memory ratio is 1:1 or 100%?
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