Help for a clueless idiot (first ever PC).

11 Nov 2019
Hi guys,

I'm currently looking at buying my first ever PC for gaming after my t.v broke and I fell out of love with my Xbox (shock). However, I am l completely clueless on anything to do with PC's and despite my many attempts of 'getting up-to-scratch' - I just can't get my head around the specs, what they do, which are the best, who makes what and where they all go. I have lost patience with my lack of intelligence and found myself in forums (Hi!).

I play mainly shooting games such as; Fortnite, Call of Duty, R6 Siege and Overwatch and I play them competitively. I also play campaign games when I get frustrated with the shooters, such as; Assassins Creed and The Witcher 3. I could also use it for basic work documents (teacher), though it isn't a priority.

I love the RGB look and think it would look incredible in my man-cave. I need a keyboard, mouse and a monitor included within the purchase (because of the finance option). My budget is no more than £1,300.

I just really want the most efficient and cost effective build possible for the money I am willing to spend.

Any help given is incredibly appreciated and I couldn't thank you enough if you do help. Don't be afraid to be patronising (I probably deserve it) and if anymore information is needed for the build I want - please don't hesitate to ask.

You need:
Motherboard - you have to check if this will compatible with your CPU. Motherboards come in different standard sizes.
RAM (16GB is advisable)
Drive/s SSD, HDD, Nvme

I would suggest watching You Tube Videos on how to assemble a PC and also some recent ones with component advice for builds.

Gaming GPUs are made by Nvidia and AMD.
CPUs are made by Intel and AMD. The best bang for buck is probably an AMD system. You will save money by going for 2nd Gen Ryzen.
Thank you, I shall be doing further research.
You need:
Motherboard - you have to check if this will compatible with your CPU. Motherboards come in different standard sizes.
RAM (16GB is advisable)
Drive/s SSD, HDD, Nvme

I would suggest watching You Tube Videos on how to assemble a PC and also some recent ones with component advice for builds.

Gaming GPUs are made by Nvidia and AMD.
CPUs are made by Intel and AMD. The best bang for buck is probably an AMD system. You will save money by going for 2nd Gen Ryzen.
Hi guys,

I'm currently looking at buying my first ever PC for gaming after my t.v broke and I fell out of love with my Xbox (shock). However, I am l completely clueless on anything to do with PC's and despite my many attempts of 'getting up-to-scratch' - I just can't get my head around the specs, what they do, which are the best, who makes what and where they all go. I have lost patience with my lack of intelligence and found myself in forums (Hi!).

I play mainly shooting games such as; Fortnite, Call of Duty, R6 Siege and Overwatch and I play them competitively. I also play campaign games when I get frustrated with the shooters, such as; Assassins Creed and The Witcher 3. I could also use it for basic work documents (teacher), though it isn't a priority.

I love the RGB look and think it would look incredible in my man-cave. I need a keyboard, mouse and a monitor included within the purchase (because of the finance option). My budget is no more than £1,300.

I just really want the most efficient and cost effective build possible for the money I am willing to spend.

Any help given is incredibly appreciated and I couldn't thank you enough if you do help. Don't be afraid to be patronising (I probably deserve it) and if anymore information is needed for the build I want - please don't hesitate to ask.


If it’s possible - could people post an actual build that could potentially put together?
Hey Connor,

If you are looking for ideas we have a "PCs by game" section ( for you to look at.

our system we recommend for call of duty is

If you are looking for something with a bit more customisability maybe start with something like this

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Brilliant, I'll have scan through them. Great help! Thank you.
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