Help....Getting Superglue off fingers.....

always picked it off whenever ive had any on me

altho if its on the nail and skin under the nail can be quite irritating, hot soapy water then i would suggest
Well since the glue is on there you might aswell go climb a few buildings and do other general spider man things :D

Mikol said:
As iv-tecman said, any acetone based product will do. Namely nail polish remover.

As long as the nail varnish remover has acetone in it ;) some ladies prefer the non acetone version nowadays...

Wash your hands... the more you wash them it will eventually wear off.

BB x
BrightonBelle said:
As long as the nail varnish remover has acetone in it ;) some ladies prefer the non acetone version nowadays...

Wash your hands... the more you wash them it will eventually wear off.

BB x

Cheeky ;) Thankfully I stated an acetone based product then suggested nail varnish remover, hoping he would check it containted such a compound :D

Wryel said:
45th post and the first mention of super glue remover!

I think an acetone based product includes that ;)
Nuke tbh. You know its the only way.
I got superglue in my mouth once.....peeling your toungue off the roof of your mouth really hurts. :(

But it had a good side....cured my habit of chewing random objects lying around the desk. :)
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