HELP! I need PC monitoring software!

4 Jan 2004
Greetings peeps.

Yesterday I discovered that one of the kids has got themselves onto websites like Bebo and others like it and has created profiles for herself (she's 11) using usernames that quite shocked me. Some of the things that have been said on her blogs etc are quite sexual but thankfully still in an innocent way. I told her that I've found things on her laptop and that I now have to do something to monitor her more closely. She's a bright kid but is easily influenced by others and I'm just getting concerned that she may just find herself in a spot of bother by simply not thinking straight.

I have spoke to her about the right and wrongs of the internet as best as I can but I can't expect her to take all of it in. I don't want to ban her from it either, just show her that it isn't as private as she thought it was and that because of that it can be a pretty scary place to be for a kid.

I need something that will monitor everything she does on her laptop. I've got a sneaky suspicion that she's been nipping downstairs and switching the modem on and running back upstairs to go on her laptop when we're asleep in bed.

The more functions that the software has then the better as I can show her that we can see everything she does. Hopefully she'll realise that we're not spying on her but just looking out for her own safety and that over a period of time I won't need to monitor her web access as that element of trust will come back.

So peeps, what's the best PC monitoring proggie that you can think of that would do the trick? If anyone's used any then I'd be grateful to find out what you all think of them.

Many thanks in advance

Thanks for the speedy reply folks.

She is running Vista on her laptop so I'll look into that suggestion in more detail.

I do trust her but like I've said she just seems to forget sometimes what the rules are and bends them without really knowing what kind of trouble she can get herself into. I know what I was like as a kid growing up so I want to try and find something that will do the work for me when I'm not around. She used to use the PC downstairs which was fine as it was in the dining room so it was easy to see what she was up to if I needed to, but now that her dad has bought her a lappy for xmas last year she uses that in her room now. I'm just trying this monitoring software approach as I think it will strike a nice balance between being too strict and not being strict enough. Just so that she knows that out of sight doesn't always have to mean out of mind if you know what I mean.
Who would've thought that being a new stepdad would be such hard work:eek::D

as i said above

router based filtering/blocking is a lot better than using software :)

which router do you have?

Netgear RangeMAX WPN824 v2

Is this quite a technical process bledd because I don't trust myself to wire a plug:D Doesn't mean to say that if it's not that hard then I'll give it a go if the instructions are clear enough;)

what's her name?
i'll add her as a friend

Don't take offence but it wouldn't send out the right signals if I openly gave out to a complete stranger the name of an 11 year old girl as I'd be only contradicting what I'm actually trying to achieve in the first place:) Even though your intensions are good in your suggestion, it would only cover a small part of what monitoring software could do for me. Ta all the same though:cool:


Had a look at the Vista controls and I'm maybe gonna see if there is software that will compliment what I've already got installed free of charge;)
Not to worry chief, I was in no way being serious.

Back on the topic, Vista controls are great. Add in rules (such as sites and access times) and it'll also log everything.

As long as you're the Administrator, and she's the user.

I'm gonna do a fresh install and set up parental controls on Vista tomorrow. Hopefully there'll be a nice wee free program that I can use to compliment what I've already got. TBH I can't be bothered with all this messing around ... bloomin kids:mad:;)

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