Help im stuck....

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28 Jan 2005
HI there i have just recieved a assignment from college i this is what i have to do:

"You are to write a report that outlines the structure of a typical ICT Support Department. Describe the legal and financial limitations imposed on the members of the department and list the main pieces of legislation that affect the scope and job role of ICT support staff. "

Know we havent been tought anything about this and the teacher dosent havea clue :confused: yes i know its a joke but can anyone help me.

EDIT: not sure if its in the right place or not but...
If you look into the data protection act that should bring up a few issues that affect their job role: things like security (both physical and on the systems themselves), and taking adequate steps to protect data IIRC so that could bring in backup and recovery strategies.
peter212693 said:
Know we havent been tought anything about this and the teacher dosent havea clue.
Then please find a teacher who does. If it's part of the syllabus then someone must know how to teach it. Please use a little initiative and do your own coursework. Thanks.
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