Help, lots of things lost!

25 May 2004
Bristol England
Please help, i just turned my computer on and my second HD, the one with all my important stuff (luckily the really important stuff is on both HD's and CD) but still, a lot of stuff very dear to me, has gone. well, the HD has, its a samsung spinpoint HD and the icon for it is there in windows, but it also says it is corrupt and unacessable, and in properties it says 0 for capacity, free space and size etc etc

Does anyone know of anything i can do? this is a last resort of the highest order but im desperate, i have accepted that its all gone but anything you guys can save i will very much apreciate.
You said it was a secondary drive?

Open up command prompt (Start > Run > cmd > ENTER) and then type the following:

chkdsk d: /p /r

(where d is the letter of the drive e.g. chkdsk z: /p /r if the drive letter is z) and then hit enter.

If there are any bad blocks/bad file system errors, this can recover them, however if the drive has loads of bad sectors, the chances are reduced. Try it and see how it goes.
thanks for the advice, as it was 2am when i posted i seeked help from a few american's and they gave me a program called "Recover my files" it seems to have worked fine, the only problem is i need another HD to put all my old files on, might aswell order all the other stuff iv wanted from OcUK aswell while im at it.
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