Help me partition My new 150 GIG raptor

24 Dec 2005
Hi all,

Well after the weekend my new 150 gig raptor turns up and was wondering what the best way to partition it was for both ease of use,minimal defragmentation,and performance. :)

My hard drive setup is:

System/windows 150 gig raptor
1x 250 gig storage (pictures,letters admin stuff)
1x 250 gig storage (MP3 collection)
1x 250 gig storgae (Video files,editing clips mini dv stuff)
1x 250 gig storage (hard drive image and general backup purposes)

Now whats the best way to partition my raptor?
Is it best to have a windows on one partition?
games on a partition/programs on another
Where should I stick my page file?

If you had this setup what sizes would you use?

I want the best performance and to be easy maintainable.

It was easy before I had 2 x36 raptors in raid and just installed windows and programs on the whole span of the two drives leaving the others for my data.

Now I have so much more space for my system files and will be starting from scratch again with a fresh install any input would be appreciated. :)
C: = 06-10Gb Windows + Pagefile ONLY
D: = 20-80Gb Programs/Games ONLY
E: = Whatevers left for a FAST working partition for video/graphics work

To make life easier grab a copy of nLite and create a custom XP install disc with windows default install directory on D:/Programs instead of C:/Programs. That way you won't have to keep chaging the install directory.
(Note when using this XP disc you must make sure you have the D: partition formatted otherwise it will be unable to install the default programs their and change the default directory in windows)
easyrider said:

is it not better to have the page file on a separate disk?

Probably not, if your C: drive is on the raptor. I would imagine that the speed gain from having it on the raptor is more significant than having it on a separate 7200rpm disc. Now all you need is another raptor! :p :D :cool:
nightwish said:
Probably not, if your C: drive is on the raptor. I would imagine that the speed gain from having it on the raptor is more significant than having it on a separate 7200rpm disc. Now all you need is another raptor! :p :D :cool:

lol :D

can someone clarify this?
This is correct, you are also best leaving it on the Raptors C: partition as this will be on the outer part of the platter (Hd's work from outside inwards).

Unless of course you have another 10/15k drive in your system which would then be better to have the page file on that.

When setting up the Hd like I described you have to remember to re-locate your 'My Documents' and also re-direct any temp folders away from C: to help slow down fragmentation. The aim is to not allow windows to write any data onto C: other than obviously the Pagefile.
so the fact I have 2gb ram doesn't make much difference with regards to the page file?

Its just that I have read that the pagefile should be on a seperate physical drive?
easyrider said:
so the fact I have 2gb ram doesn't make much difference with regards to the page file?

Its just that I have read that the pagefile should be on a seperate physical drive?

2Gb RAM just means your Pagefile is going to get used a lot less, and yes ideally the pagefile should be on a different Hd that's on it's own seperate controller, however not if this HD is slower.

Also remember to set the pagefiles minimum and Maximum the same (I use 1536Mb)
So what about:

C: 33 gig windows (raptor)
D: 65 gig games (raptor)
E: 50 gig programs (raptor)
F: 2 gig pagefile (raptor)

or should I just stick the page file on one of the sperate 250gig drives on its own controller?
easyrider said:
So what about:

C: 33 gig windows (raptor)
D: 65 gig games (raptor)
E: 50 gig programs (raptor)
F: 2 gig pagefile (raptor)

or should I just stick the page file on one of the sperate 250gig drives on its own controller?
C: 8GB Windows + Pagefile
D: Games and Programs

That's how I'd do it or split games and programs but you should not have the pagefile so far in on the disk otherwise windows will have full stroke seeks when accessing the pagefile for any of its operations.
I have just set up my 150gig raptort and went for:

C: 25GB Windows + PAgfile+programs that need installign to go with windows (adobe reader, codecs etc.)


P: "The Rest" Programs

I should really have partitioned the rest for docs etc. but I have 2 other hard drives that have quite a bit of space so for me I just left it with fewer partitions.
div0 said:
33 gig for windows is massive overkill

lol :p

thought the windows partition was a bit hefty! But just tried to make it all add up to 150.

smids said:
C: 8GB Windows + Pagefile
D: Games and Programs

That's how I'd do it or split games and programs but you should not have the pagefile so far in on the disk otherwise windows will have full stroke seeks when accessing the pagefile for any of its operations.

so I guess in this circumstance its best to have the page file on the raptor rather than a seperate disk.In the windows forum sticky it suggests a different hardrive is better but I guess in this instance its better on the faster raptor?
Yup, as the raptor is significantly faster, you would lose performance by having it on a separate disk.
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