Help me plan my Euro trip - please

15 Jun 2006
Hi all,

Me and the wife are planning a 3 week trip across Europe in August. I could really use some help in planning it out, so please help! :)

My basic plan was to fly into Rome and fly out of Madrid. Then use trains to go everywhere in between.


Italy (Rome and Venice)
Switzerland (Zurich or Geneva)
France (Paris and Provence)
Spain (Not sure but ending in Madrid)

I don’t want to hit too many places. I’d rather spend 2 to 3 days at every destination (except maybe Switzerland).

So, any advice on Cities, where to go and stay, places to visit to help make my agenda would be REALLLLLLY appreciated :)

Thanks all,
..and to start tying your shoe laces, you must first put the shoe on.

My first advice would be to avoid Venice, unless you haven't been and really have to go on an overpriced gondola ride, drink overpriced coffee, and get ripped off when you buy a meal. There really is little at all to do in Venice, and its busy.

Of Zurich and Geneva I'd choose the latter, from my experience. I'd also look at Innsbruck or Vienna if possible, amazing cities.

Paris is probably my favourite European city, if you speak a little French. So many places to visit, museums are free every first Sunday of the month, so if you can time your visit to Paris then, you could end up having an excellent weekend. The food, the people, the architecture..etc. Love it, can't wait until I go again.
Master_X said:
If your in spain then take a trip to Barcelona, its such a nice visual city to look at (if thats your thing)

Yeah Barcelona over Madrid... although when we went to Madrid for NYE a while back we went to a good nightclub called Joy where we paid 30 Euros to get in and drinks were free all night. :)

Rome - definitely.

Haven't been anywhere else on your list.

BB x
I agree with the previous post regarding Venice, its so overrated, and the smell is getting worse all the time. I would recommend Florence though, thats a nice city to visit.

Again, as above, if you are going to visit Spain then you might as well fit in a trip to Barcelona, a lovely place and well worth visiting, maybe a day trip across the border into Portugal if you have the time.

If your going down from France, to Italy and Switzerland, you can always pop across into Austria.
Ive been to Geneva, and i can thouroughly reccommend it. Everywhere you look you are surrounded by mountains, and the town centre is very clean and pleasant to walk around in. If you'll be shopping its definately the place to go to, as all the top brands are in the high street.
Thanks for all the replies guys,

it seems my plans have been cut down to 2 weeks.

However, I was hoping to get some ideas on what typical accomodaition is like out there? Cheap but good? No hostels.

Advice appreciated,

thanks again,
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