Help me please I cant seem to get my new Sata2 Drive installed.

8 Jul 2006
First off all can I just say that this is my first time trying to install a Sata drive as I have all ways used IDE Drives so I apoligise for my pure thickness !.

Any way just got my new overlclocked pc a few days a go and this morning I received my new 500GB Sata Hard drive which I would like to install.

Now when I first tried to attach the Sata drive to my PC is wouldnt seem to fit right with one of the cables but I noticed in my motherboard box a orange cable which fitted fine on the data port on the drive.. I then atached the other end to my motherboard.

Ok this is were I am totaly lost !! windows has loaded and I have gone in disk managment and I my new drive isnt showing up.

to give you a little more information I currently Have a 300GB IDE hard drive at the minute which is my main drive do I need to pull that out for my sata drive to work ??

can any one pleaseeeeeeee !!........ give me some sound advice to get this drive working so I can use it as my main drive and install Xp on it.

thanks for any help ! ;)
Hi I have now taken out my IDE hard drive that was installed as I would like to start a fresh as if I was wanting to install this drive for first time to install XP on it.

The hard drive I have is this one

my motherboard is

I am totaly lost here! have connected the drive to my PC and when i try to run XP it says there is no hard drive found.

So I have a brand new sata2 hard drive that hasnt been formated, so what do i do from here plz ?
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