help me spec for 350-400 squid

3 Nov 2007
hello, my brother wants a pc (just the base unit, no monitor) and I have been away from this forum for a while and am not at all up to date on whats good value. He wants something for a few games and internet, he doesnt need a huge amount of storage 250gb would be more than enough, 2gb ram would be enough and i have no problem overclocking if intel have some nice cheap chips that are good for that kind of thing. Only gaming at 1440x900 as well. max 400 pound.

thanks a lot, looks good, i saw a pc power and cooling psu in the clearance section which is 420w would that be enough to power a similar system? also how much better is the 4890 to the 4870? and does that one require a lot more power or not? thanks
I dont think so, i think im cutting it very close there. i would actully pay the extra money for the 550 watt psu thinking about it.
yer that case could fit it in, Personally i would keep the 4gb ram also all the cheeper kits are out of stock.
i would pay a bit extra and get phenom 2 x2 550. Its a great processor and very easy to overclock to 3.5ghz without additional cooling.
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