Help Me Stay Awake...



26 Dec 2005
Right, basically I've got some work due in tomorrow lunch time. I've been working part-time this evening and finished at 1am. I'm now feeling very tired and need some ideas to help keep me awake.

I've already had a quick 10 minute nap, and nice warm shower and i'm about to get high on caffiene.

Are there any other sensible ideas to help keep me awake and concentrating?

nope, pro plus and red bull (cheap tesco kick) all the way dude!

thats what i'm on, RAWR!!!, got a hand in at 8.45 and i'm still writing lol, chillin it really because ive got plenty of time!

i'm that guy that sits there going, nah nothing to worry about, ive got it sorted piece of wee. and when people are going you still havent done it you're crazy i waltz in and score jackpot! haha. i work very well under pressure!

i'll still be here at 7 if you're awake!

chris_r said:
and watch porn, you wont fall asleep man

bad idea, you'll end up doing what you do... and then you'll be tired again! nothing helps you get to sleep better than well you know.
what a very interesting email address... do you put that down on job applications :p

chris_r said:
I for one will hold you to that

ive got 19 pro plus left and half a bottle of kick, then its the coffeeeee!

i'm no doctor but i dont think i should have them all hahaha!

do not advise me on that, i dont want this thread closed!
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I'm here all night :o

I still gotta walk 25 mins to a cartridge shop in the morning to buy some ink so I can print all this off.

Right, I'm gonna down some cheap coke that loves to give me chest pains :D

That'll keep me up.
SidewinderINC said:
what a very interesting email address... do you put that down on job applications :p

Ah well, i'll explain..

Basically, a couple of years ago in the sixth form common room someone ran across the room and smacked my arse. It just so turned out i had a few cards in my back pocket, along with my driving licence.

They exclaimed 'Jesus ******* christ! I didn't know your arse was so hard!'

Reply: 'Nah, its just got titanium buttocks installed'

-westy- said:
Ah well, i'll explain..

Basically, a couple of years ago in the sixth form common room someone ran across the room and smacked my arse. It just so turned out i had a few cards in my back pocket, along with my driving licence.

They exclaimed 'Jesus ******* christ! I didn't know your arse was so hard!'

Reply: 'Nah, its just got titanium buttocks installed'


Ooh, you see mine's just because Nix is a state of mind. A bit like the twilight zone...

Do de do do, do de do do, do de do do :D
I'm going to bed to watch scrapheap challenge.

Got lots and lots of work to do tomorrow, including going to a taxidermy place and a few museums to get some photos of stuffed beasts (for a 'sound installation' uni project thing).

Night night sweet forumites.
benneh said:
I'm going to bed to watch scrapheap challenge.

Got lots and lots of work to do tomorrow, including going to a taxidermy place and a few museums to get some photos of stuffed beasts (for a 'sound installation' uni project thing).

Night night sweet forumites.

Bye man
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