Help me understand English soccer

Football is a sport for the working class and underclass.
It involves getting upset when your team loses (like your support makes any difference), binge drinking and eating chips (Stoke City) and foul language.
You pay money to watch a brain dead nancy boy who gets paid £100,000 per week roll around on the floor because somebody pushed him over.
I go to around 1 football match every two years. I enjoy it and get into it when I am there but that is all.

My friend is a keen Stoke City fan and wants me to go to games with her as she is disabled and my ticket would be free. I will go along but not too bothered what happens!

Utterly bizarre post. The impression I get is that most people in this forum are pretty well off, and it has a thriving football section.

I had quite a privileged upbringing, and love football. It's a great sport. I don't enjoy a lot of what goes with it, such as some of the players' lifestyles, some of the behaviour of the fans, or the vehemency with which some/most fans support their teams, but that does not affect the fact that it is a fantastic sport to watch.
I see OP hasn't returned on something he seemed eager to learn about

Football is a sport for the working class and underclass.
It involves getting upset when your team loses (like your support makes any difference), binge drinking and eating chips (Stoke City) and foul language.
You pay money to watch a brain dead nancy boy who gets paid £100,000 per week roll around on the floor because somebody pushed him over.
I go to around 1 football match every two years. I enjoy it and get into it when I am there but that is all.

My friend is a keen Stoke City fan and wants me to go to games with her as she is disabled and my ticket would be free. I will go along but not too bothered what happens!

Are you sure it's her
Lord S.Coe, Lord R.Attenborough, Sir J.Isaacs, Sir M.Caine, Sir S.Redgrave, Sir C.Woodward, Sir L.Olivier, Sir J.Mills, John Major, David Mellor and countless others say hi.

Yeah, it's quite a fallacy about football being a lower class sport. It's just because so many people like it that it attracts everybody. Popularity works from the top down, not the other way round. There was an interesting program about the rise of football in England on iplayer a while back, Oxford boys starting playing the sport as it was seen as an easier sport to play when not playing rugby. The first England captain was an Etonian and old Oxford lad.
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