Help, my sister is addicted to World of World craft! How do I get her off?

13 May 2007
Lancashire, UK
mcc49 said:
Instead of trying to block her access, why dont you try getting her to have some time off WoW like a holiday somewhere for a week.

This is how I kicked my WoW habbit. After taking a few week break from it, you'll be surprised how quickly you find other stuff to do with your time.
12 Dec 2003
Azagoth said:
You ever thought she's like that because you're treating her like a child and dictating what she should do in her life? Sounds to me like she needs a Sisterectomy more than anything else.

So a person that isn ruining her life and becoming pretty useless to society just sat there playing world of warcraft all day is a good thing?

She needs all the help she can get and and loved ones getting her off that life destroying game would be a start.
21 Feb 2007
Paramount said:
Wow, an 18 y/o girl plays WoW into the early hours?! Give her my number!!

But seriously, I was similar, except it DID ruin me. Failed 6th Form, lost my girlfriend, had no job for ages. If I could go back in time I would have changed so much, but when you're hooked theres no getting you off, the only thing that stopped me was when I realised I'd wasted 2 years of my life and possibly my future.

Aye i had a similar experience, i got a D in English/Maths due to playing it instead of revising, im thinking of taking them again in Night school because i really want them now as its kind of embaressing on my CV.
24 May 2004
TheKnat said:
This is how I kicked my WoW habbit. After taking a few week break from it, you'll be surprised how quickly you find other stuff to do with your time.

indeed and teenagers her age are well known for their stubborness, the more you take something away from them forcefully the more they want it so blocking access may not be the best course of action as it might just make the problem worst. The way I see it is at the end of the day she has to make a choice by herself and the best way for a you to help beat the addiction is by getting her off the game by non forceful methods.

*If the worst come to the worst you can aways resort to mental warfare and tell her she sucks, her class sucks, her class is going to be nerfed by blizzard, she will never get into a good guild, pvp sucks, wow has no end game etc etc. :p

*(Not recommended)
5 Oct 2004
The South, United Kingdom
mcc49 said:
indeed and teenagers her age are well known for their stubborness, the more you take something away from them forcefully the more they want it so blocking access may not be the best course of action as it might just make the problem worst. The way I see it is at the end of the day she has to make a choice by herself and the best way for a you to help beat the addiction is by getting her off the game by non forceful methods.

*If the worst come to the worst you can aways resort to mental warfare and tell her she sucks, her class sucks, her class is going to be nerfed by blizzard, she will never get into a good guild, pvp sucks, wow has no end game etc etc. :p

*(Not recommended)

Way I got out of it was...well it just became boring. More and more tier armour so that means another 5 hours in an instance fighting for a small chance of armour. Which you will never really get to find useful in PvP becasue you have to go back and keep raiding.

I eventually just rolled a hunter, levelled to 20 and then just roleplayed about 1 hour a night. Now i gave up. But if i was to go back, thats all i would do because it quite fun and only about 1 hour or so every evening. No more 5/6 hour stints
24 May 2004
Tom1138 said:
Way I got out of it was...well it just became boring. More and more tier armour so that means another 5 hours in an instance fighting for a small chance of armour. Which you will never really get to find useful in PvP becasue you have to go back and keep raiding.

I eventually just rolled a hunter, levelled to 20 and then just roleplayed about 1 hour a night. Now i gave up. But if i was to go back, thats all i would do because it quite fun and only about 1 hour or so every evening. No more 5/6 hour stints

Amen to that, I was in one of EU's top guild and it was like an army camp, everything has to be done perfectly, we had the first lvl 60 of every class on the server including myself and all our gears are decked out. But playing like that wasnt actually fun as every raid was like the same script from a movie, everything is the same till you beat the dungeon then you have to farm resistance equipment to beat the next instance Blizzard throws at you. The big kick in the teeth was the abysmal pvp system, it had no balance and battlegrounds was a joke which made getting all my 'phat lewt' pointless as it was only being used in PvE.
5 Oct 2004
The South, United Kingdom
Yeah bloodfang gear had like 4500 health and Grand Marshal rogue gear was over 5200. At level 60 that was brilliant in PvP. And making it easy to get with the honor change. But a kick in the teeth for those who spent their lives in Blackwing Lair.

Best days of my warcraft play was 1-40. Was ok to 59 then less said about 60 the better.
29 Apr 2007
Azagoth said:
You ever thought she's like that because you're treating her like a child and dictating what she should do in her life? Sounds to me like she needs a Sisterectomy more than anything else.
It seems you do not share the views of a lot of other people in this topic
1 Dec 2005
If you really really want to get her to stop get her account banned, either go around being very abusive to people or grab yaself a rubbish bot and go farming in a well populated area :)
18 Oct 2002
Megz2007 said:
Can I block her from ever accessing it? Also, can I do it on my laptop or I have to do it on my home comp?
Megz2007 said:
Can I block her from ever accessing the hosts?

The chances of her ever figuring out what is causing the problem if she is not that technical are slim - about as likely as batman coming into your room and giving you a deep heat handjob.
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10 Jun 2006
I don't know how other people see it but i think i only play WoW when i am bored, it's just that i am bored a lot of the time when i am at home, and i know that before wow it was just another game (css) that took my time, but because this time it is an mmo it is an addiction,

Come on, please shut up and let people game in peace, if it wasn't wow there would just be another game there to fill the spot
22 Dec 2002
Teesside, UK
Breaking her account or PC is not the answer here. A serious chat is what I'd be looking into. Is it addiction really. If it is then I'd treat it like I treated smoking. You can't take something away from someone whilst they enjoy (or rather whilst they think they enjoy it). Willpower ain't the answer either, as she'll just be frustrated and become sneaky.

Maybe reason with her that she needs to do other things besides Warcraft. It may be that she feels she only has Warcraft at the moment and that life without warcraft is pretty miserable. Speak to her friends and ask them to help out. As long as she can enjoy time away from the game she'll start thinking of the game as just a game.

Warcraft being the game that it is, is a virtual world where you can forget about everything thats real in the world. If someone lives by this then yes it's a major problem, but like all wow players they soon realise themselves whats important. Some cut down there time, others move onto other games. In my experience and again like smoking, most "quit and slate" the drug (I mean game) for wasting there life, They become anti-warcraft, then they become anti-mmorpg gamers and go back to 1st person shooters. Counter Strike anyone :)
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30 Jun 2007

Has anyone stopped to think that megzy here might just be a **** trying to get her sister back for something and banning her favorite game would be a nice bit of revenge.....

You all seem quite willing to help someone take another persons freedoms away, yet whine to the hills if the government or anyone censors or banns something you use :/

Something to think about.

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5 Oct 2004
The South, United Kingdom
Tefal said:

Has anyone stopped to think that megzy here might just be a **** trying to get her sister back for something and banning her favorite game would be a nice bit of revenge.....

You all seem quite willing to help someone take another persons freedoms away, yet whine to the hills if the government or anyone censors or banns something you use :/

Something to think about.


Were just telling her how it can be done, its up to her if she wants to do it or not. Not gonna pull the trigger for her you know. :)
24 Jul 2005
Tom1138 said:
Were just telling her how it can be done

I'm not, I'm 100% on the side of the WoW playing Sister! It must be hell living with such a control freak as this megz character and now she wants to take away her Sister's enjoyment too!
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