Help - need to re-format every time I turn comp on

28 Sep 2004
Hello, haven't posted in here for ages...

Last week my laptop wouldn't come out of standby, just a black screen.

I restarted it and windows started to load, got a pointer and the screen went black again.

I tried to re-format but it got stuck at about 52% (keeps doing this). However a quick format works. :confused:

It keeps doing it though, as soon as I've installed all the drivers (don't think it's driver related - done the same as always) and try to restart after a few hours I either get:

1. Black screen for desktop
2. Desktop that freezes after 5 secs, then goes black.
3. Bluescreen telling me something has ****** up.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? Why does only a quick format work?

The laptop is out of warranty so was hoping someone might be able to offer some advice. Anything I should test?

I'm 99% sure if I turn it off now I'll have to re-format lol! :(

Really, really appreciate any help, ta!
I would say HDD as the format doesnt work, and stops at a certain place each time. Probably be a good idea to back all your data up now and buy a new drive
yup HD. A quick format only wipes the beginning of the drive (MFT/data allocation table) wheras a full format goes across the entire surface of the drive. Delete the partition, create a new one, then do a full format- If there's bad sectors it'll hang or eventually blacklist those onto the FAT as "bad" leave it a few hours on a full format, if it still is there when you come back from work bin it. If its that bad not worth wasting time on it, as bad sectors could still be in data area in windows, causing BSOD data loss etc.

60GB/80GB laptop drives are dead cheap now.
Brilliant cheers, will try that. I thought they would be quite expensive to replace, so that's good news. Better start backing up the other partitions then...
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