Help needed please

10 Jun 2009
Hi everyone.

Im moving home into a rental property and my current home setup will have to be dismantled.

Currently I have a Plex media server in my house and I use that to run media ( video & music ( from my band ) and family photos ) to my wall mounted tv via a HDMI cable. Its also used for the kids to watch you tube etc and I play the odd game on it.

The new property is a really strange layout ( the joys of old houses ) and I cant get my small pc close to where I have to wall mount my current tv.

So I need a solution where I can pass the hdmi signal across the room to the tv. Usually I would have tried to run a cable under the carpet but the new place is fully wooden floored. The wife has me under strict instruction of minimal wires showing so right now I'm a bit stuck as to what to do.

Any suggestions? The distance I will need to cover from pc to tv will be approx 7 meters and the video will be 1080p. Ive got a wireless keyboard and mouse setup that I use on Bluetooth that I'm hoping will still be sufficient for the input controls on the pc.

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