help no post on start up

22 Oct 2006
hi just changed ny case and when i start pc up it just starts and nothin else no signal to monitor, and the code im gettin on motherboard is FF. any ideas guys
Details will be in the mobo manual, but here goes.

Firstly, remove the mobo battery.

Then nearby you will see a set of three small jumpers, two of which will be seperated by a small plastic stopper.

They'll look like this:


Move the stopper to the other end so they look like this:


Then wait a minute or so before changing them back. Put the battery back in. Close the case. Reboot. Profit???
back to ff code and still no boot. power to dvd drive. have gone down to bare skeleton of machine now. so i think either my mobo or cpu has fried. anyone help
ok guys i have my mobo on the floor now connected to power supply, with ram. cpu and heatsink , graphics card. connected to power supply and i have the bios page loaded. this is a different power supply. gonna put this power supply in case, and set up again. so i got this far does it mean m,y cpu and mobo are ok ? thanks
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