HELP! Nvidia raid disappeared

11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
Just reinstalled windows XP on system.
XP sits on its own drive (a raptor) with 4 partitions on a 320gb nforce 4 raid-0.
These partitions are missing.

I've loaded the latest nforce driver set and all seems to be good (with the exception that i cant find the small nvidia raid management utility).
Wandered into disk management in the management console and it initialised the raid which is currently showing up as empty space. I installed using the ide driver as from memory this included the nforce raid driver?

I've been here once before (about a year ago) and got 100% of my data back so currently not panicing but asking for help before I start to blunder around on my own.

The drive has not been formatted or played with in any way.

What the hell am I doing wrong?

Edit: Does the nvidia raid management tool only work/appear if the raid was picked up and installed during windows setup. Is there a difference between the driver from the package installed from windows and the driver used at the F6 prompt during setup?
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Well - sorted in the end. Rather worryingly it took a reinstall of windows with the floppy drivers at the F6 prompt to get any joy out of the machine. Soon as I installed with the raid picked up during everything was sweet and rosey again.

Very very odd.
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