Help Overclocking the x2 3800+

10 Apr 2006
Hi there guys, i have recently decided on getting the athlon 64 x2 3800+ and i've never overclocked before and so i need some expert advice......i have a rough idea about reducing multiplier and chaging fsb's but im not too sure......

im going to get the freezer 64, as i will be getting the OEM version of the x2 3800 (or should i get the retail....)i will be pairing it with a gigabyte k8n sli pro, 2x512 corsair (or 2x1gb OcUK - depends what my budget will allow!) and a 7600 GT.

So this bears the question, where do i start and if so should i even bother, what with me being a noob at overclocking and all...... :D
Hi again

Course you should - its a free upgrade. Take it in steps and see how far you can get. Dont know about your boards limits or bios.
Basically set memory on a divider to start with ie run it at 166 instead of 200. Up the fsb in small increments and test for stability then restart. Lower the HTT muti to 4x as well then eventually x3 if you can get your board over 250 fsb.
Also check out
Thanks, but do i really need to overclock my memory as well, because i've never done that before and i dont wanna screw around with stuff i don't know about.......
Check out this as well ... LINKAGE

You have to lower the divisor on the RAM if you're going to be overclocking - don't worry about that bit. Take the HTT multi (may be going by a different name in your BIOS) down to 4X to start with and then up your HT bus speed.

Be sure to watch temps when you do it - 50C fully loaded (both cores) is getting towards the hot side of things! You will have to increase the VCore a bit - go by what others have done in the link above.

Good luck! :) The chip's a great clocker - mine is at 2500 stable and 38/39C loaded, so you should get some decent results out of it.
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