Help please:Buying new PC

27 Oct 2010
Hi and thanks for your help in advance. I basicaly want a computer that can run any game and new games smooth(around 60+fps)on high setting and at 1050x1680 res, I dont really care about AA etc. I Think this will be good:

AMD Quad Core Phenom II X4 970 125 Watt Black Edition 3.5GHz Socket AM3
4 gig ram
ASUS m4a87td/usb3 motherboard
ati hd 4870 512 ram(this is my current gfx card which Ill transfer to the new comp, will upgrade at a later date)
500gig HD
super quiet 22dba tripple copper heatpipe cooling
the box is costing £35 and is a coolmaster
600w quiet 80 plus quad rail psu(might need 800w)
That plus all the other stuff like disc drive, will cost around £493.(thats without a gfx card.)
Im currently using 20 inch lcd screen.
I dont want to go over 550 really.
Im buying it pre-built.
Also I dont want to crossfire.
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Sounds good, can save a few quid and get the phenom 2 955, the only difference is its 3.2ghtz but you can overclock it yourself which is pretty easy on those nice black editions. Also if you wanna save some more money get an Antek 300 case, its a damn sweet case for £50, and you defiantly don't need more than 600w if your only running one graphics card.

My advice tbh is to build it yourself could save a fair chunk there, then use all the money you have saved to buy a nice new Radeon 6xxx series card, then you gonna have an easy time blitzing those games :).
Thanks a lot for your help. Can everything be easily upgraded i.e processor and is the cooling etc good enough, thanks. Also building the pc isnt a option.
Atm , im just playing tf2 and starcraft 2 but with 3gig ram 2.2 cou dou and 4870 it lags even on medium at 1440x900, I know i need a new cpu:p
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OcUK are a lil draconian about that lol, kinda surprised they take it so seriously tbh its not like there prices arnt pretty darn awesome.

What your getting looks ok to me, you defiantly want to consider a graphics card upgrade pretty sharpish tho m8y. Also why is building yourself not an option? its surprisingly easy and loads of people here would be glad to offer advice plus you really can save a lot of money doing it :)
Basicaly, I just want a comp that will run games and new games smoothly on 1050x1680 ress and on high setting with no aa. I dont care about the extra stuff just want smooth play with decent setting, tbh I think my gfx card is good enough for all games out atm, just need a better cpu, my gfx card is as powerful as a gtx260, most games reccomend a 8800/8800gtx which is under that.
Ok m8 heres a build ill suggest for you, and its essentially exactly what im buying for my own budget gaming PC cept for a few minor changes...


Honest to god its worth the hassle of building it yourself as its fun, satisfying and saves a lot of money :). As you can see that's £60 less than what your about to pay with pretty much the same power but twice the HDD space. As for the GPU, yeh the 4870 isnt to bad but getting a nice new dx11 card would be a nice and for gaming its the single most important bit. Your right tho, there's still some life left in that old girl yet but consider the new 6xxx series as there fantastic and well priced.
Thanks for your help, I know that im paying for pre built, and i rather pay 50 more then make it, so please stop suggesting it, I really dont want to build and paying 50 for the build is worth it tbh, for me anyway. But I just want to know if it will run everything smoothly at 1060 ress and on high, and that everything can be upgraded and if the parts are good. Also I heard that the 3.5 amd can be overclocked to 3.9, is that good and will it effect my system or not.
Ok ok :P tis up to you m8 either way you will have a nice system. All the black edition AMD CPUs are great for overclocking, thats what black edition means weather you can get a massive overclock or not is kinda just dumb luck tho as every individual CPU is different. You could get a really sweet 3.2 one that overclocks to 4ghz no problem and you could get a really stubborn 3.5 that wont co operate, all down to the luck of the draw. Thats why i suggests getting the cheapest one cause literally there is no performance difference, there identical except for the base clock speed so u get a 3.2 overclocking it to 3.5 should take next to no effort and save u some cash.
Ok ok :P tis up to you m8 either way you will have a nice system. All the black edition AMD CPUs are great for overclocking, thats what black edition means weather you can get a massive overclock or not is kinda just dumb luck tho as every individual CPU is different. You could get a really sweet 3.2 one that overclocks to 4ghz no problem and you could get a really stubborn 3.5 that wont co operate, all down to the luck of the draw. Thats why i suggests getting the cheapest one cause literally there is no performance difference, there identical except for the base clock speed so u get a 3.2 overclocking it to 3.5 should take next to no effort and save u some cash.

Good point but I could get a 3.5 that will easily clock around 4 right? and could push it to 4.5, dont know much about OC. SO basicaly I mean the better the stock the higher the oc?
I can see why you would think that and i guess it would kinda make it slightly more likely for you to get a higher overclock because it starts higher but its not really as simple as that. The way CPUs are manufactured and rated is not quite what most people would probably assume, they dont make say... 100000 955s and 100000 970s they make one big batch of the same chips and set them differently based on a lot of factors. This is massively oversimplifieng the process but you could say they have basically just pre overclocked your 3.5mhz a little bit.

The cap for overclocking is how many watts your pumping in and how hot it gets (theres more to it but just keeping it simple) and the 3.5mhz may start at a higher clock speed but will likley also start with more watts and a bit hotter aswell.

If you plan to play around with tweeking and overclocking yourself i would always recommend getting the cheapest one of a chipset, the only reason to buy the higher clock speed ones in my opinion is if you don't want to bother doing any overclocking ect.
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This from OCuk is under budget, all built for you, so no worries building it, there systems are extremely well built, is all compatable with each other (components wise).

Dos'nt come with graphics card, as u said u will use your current one, but does come with onboard, so a nice back up if needed.

Also comes pre overclocked, so no need to mess with that either.
Bifday2ks link is pretty good, cant go wrong there all you would need to do is pop in your GPU and your set to go. Id like to say 6core is overkill for gaming but to be honest with you dispite that if i could afford it id prolly get one anyway just for the epeen :P My only real problem is i don't feel 500gb is enough in this day and age, you would be amazed how fast that fills up with games, movies, *cough* porn *cough* and various other things folks download personally id want at least 1tb on a new machine.

It is worth looking around at OcUKs pre built systems tho, they have some sweet deals and there all pre overclocked for ya im sure you can find something nice in budget such as the one linked above.
Was about to post bifday2k's link myself :). Basically it's the only decent prebuilt system they sell with no GPU, although as Gantoris says a 6-core is a little OTT, but unfortunately they dont do a Phenom II quad-core system. All other options in your budget will have a lame GPU wasting some of the money. You might be able to swap to a quad and save some money if you give the shop a call, or just go for the hex.

Real answer is to free yourself from all these compromises and build yourself :). Easy and fun.
Will advanced super quiet 22dba tripple copper heatpipe cooling(around 20 quid extra)
and 600w be enough for overclocking and wont hurt the lifespan of my pc? Thanks
I'd be more worried that this other place dont put the brand of the PSU in their description. Probably means it's carp.
liampope has a point, make sure your PSU is a decent brand if its a good brand tho 600w is more than enough. Tbh if its a decent make 500w would do you for a single GPU system with a moderate overclock.
As far as i know, OCuk will happly change the specs on any of there pre-builts if you call them, so that hard drive could be made bigger, possibly the 6 core swaped for a quad, and so on. Your best bet would be to give there sales team a ring and have a chat.

They are very helpfull and will swap stuff if u prefer something over another. But as others have said, Ocuk list everything they use, including the brands. And on Psu that makes a massive difference.
The psu's with no name are "Just to correct this thread. ALL of our standard PSUs (the ones not listed as Corsair/Thermaltake) are manufactured by FSP - one of the largest PSU manufacturers in the world. Infact they are the OEM Manufacturer for a number of leading brands including OCZ, Thermaltake."

So if a buy a amd x4 3.2 black edition with advanced 20 quid extra cooling and 600w psu, around what number will I be able to reliably OC to, thanks.
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