HELP PSU Buggered I think

12 Feb 2007

I just went to switch on my PC earlier this evening and heard a popping sound and the circuit breaker in the main house fuse box tripped off. Once i resent the switch my PC has no standby lights and will not switch on :mad:

I think it is more than likely the PSU has gone, I've a Seasonic S12 Energy+ 650W Silent ATX2.0 Power Supply only has it 13 months.

Has anyone experienced problems with Seasonic PSU and does anyone know what the company is like guarantees on products??

Any advice would be great



PS - Working from laptop :confused:
Nah, I emailed Nanopoint through there RMA process.

If it was the system was getting power i would expect the network point to be flashing orange at the least.

If it's the PSU I'm a bit shocked at it lasting only a year as it's not cheap bit of kit.
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