Help Spec me up!

19 Oct 2002
My Room/Pit/Dungeon
Due for an upgrade, but will need new Mobo, CPU, RAM & GFX

Was thinking a P4, ideally an 820 or so, but may stay with single core to cut cost at the minute. Will br getting 2x 512MB DDR2 667 to run with it, but my main indecision is with the Mobo & GFX.

Don't want to spend more than £300 on both together, just single GFX card as can't afford an SLi setup yet.

Been looking at the Asus P5WD2-E Premium, but was thinking of getting an Nvidia card and the board is designed for this gonna cause a problem?

Can anyone recommend me a nice combo?
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Is the £300 for all parts or just for the motherboard and GPU? It might be worth you waiting for another month or two to see what Conroe brings either in terms of performance or price-drops. I'd normally be recommending an A64/X2 based system in preference to an Intel one as I know more about it and they are often cheaper in performance for the money.

It doesn't make any difference mixing ATI chipsets and Nvidia graphics cards or vice versa performance-wise but obviously you cannot use the dual card facilities. :)
£300 is for just GFX & Mobo....

Would be using the rig for pretty much everything not just games and have personally found Intel chips more reliable...but am open to suggestions...
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