Help to buy ISA

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Can you do an ISA online though? I always thought you needed to go in branch for that, a bit like a mortgage :confused:

I'll have a look in a bit, not sure how to do that then as my wife and I have a joint account.

Can do it online, depending on who you do it with, you might have to go into branch, post or send photographs of documents.
14 Apr 2007
[TW]Fox;29035103 said:
He says he has the 'majority' of the deposit now.

Correct. Technically I could put a 10% deposit down now but due to various trips & holidays planned for this year I'm going to hold off for 12 months. In 12 months I'll have enough for a 15% deposit + all the extras such as furniture. The £600 will aid the latter!
1 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Just looking at this again, what would be the best regular savings account (non isa) that I can use to send the rest of the money whilst I stick the 1200 initial deposit and 200 per month in to Halifax help to buy?

Iv been suggested this

But it essentially means switching from Lloyd's to m&s which I don't really want to do.

I also don't really want to do Santander as they are raising their fees now or is there a better option ?
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
DJMK check savings champion

Also on your ISA issue. Can can only open one new ISA per year, well technically pay into one new one. If you still have the ISA open that yu paid into and withdrew from then you can pay more, assuming you haven't paid into it £15,240. NOte that's paid in, not net of withdrawls.
Assuming you have it and its active you can pay in your £1000, then transfer it to a new ISA, assuming the new ISA accepts transfers in (Halifax does). You can only do this for the initial deposit, but you can pay in the £200 for that month as soon as its open
1 Dec 2004
Santander 123 is still the best account I think - depending on how much money you have to save. I have two (one in my name and the other a joint with the wife).

They are raising their fees to £5 a month which is around £60 a year, I can comfortably save around £500 a month, with a possibility of it actually being 600 700 a month.

So ideally I would want to send £200 of that to Halifax help to buy and the rest somewhere, but if I'm paying fees then is the interest going to be worth it really with Santander?

DJMK check savings champion

Also on your ISA issue. Can can only open one new ISA per year, well technically pay into one new one. If you still have the ISA open that yu paid into and withdrew from then you can pay more, assuming you haven't paid into it £15,240. NOte that's paid in, not net of withdrawls.
Assuming you have it and its active you can pay in your £1000, then transfer it to a new ISA, assuming the new ISA accepts transfers in (Halifax does). You can only do this for the initial deposit, but you can pay in the £200 for that month as soon as its open

Iv been told pay in to one, I did have a bit of a confusing chat with the Halifax lady, iv probably paid in (around £3k in to my Lloyd's isa since roughly april last year, but that was purely for transferring money, as discussed its zero balance now. My savings are tied up in bonds)

So from my understanding, can I claim back bonds stick it in my Lloyd's isa, then do an isa transfer by ringing Halifax to transfer the £1200? Then set up a standing order?

If I can atleast kick off the Halifax part without having to wait until April that will be good, I can then look at where I'm sending the rest of my savings. One step at a time
15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
One of the best regular savers around right now is if you're a new customer going to First Direct. £125 credited when you open a bank account and free banking if you pay in a certain amount (think it is £1,500 a month). Then you can also open a regular saver and saver up to £300 per month for 12 months at 6%. Then after a year's saving you can close your account and get £100 credited as you do so.

A bit of hassle but if you want a high return from cash and don't mind recycling between accounts it can be worth it.
1 Dec 2004
Thanks for the info,will have a look in to it, I guess to get the most out of this I'm likely going to have to switch my current bank (Lloyd's) to a new one effectively
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
They are raising their fees to £5 a month which is around £60 a year, I can comfortably save around £500 a month, with a possibility of it actually being 600 700 a month.

So ideally I would want to send £200 of that to Halifax help to buy and the rest somewhere, but if I'm paying fees then is the interest going to be worth it really with Santander?

Iv been told pay in to one, I did have a bit of a confusing chat with the Halifax lady, iv probably paid in (around £3k in to my Lloyd's isa since roughly april last year, but that was purely for transferring money, as discussed its zero balance now. My savings are tied up in bonds)

So from my understanding, can I claim back bonds stick it in my Lloyd's isa, then do an isa transfer by ringing Halifax to transfer the £1200? Then set up a standing order?

If I can atleast kick off the Halifax part without having to wait until April that will be good, I can then look at where I'm sending the rest of my savings. One step at a time

No not quite.
Halifax actually have some quite good FAQs...

Can I transfer into a Help to Buy: ISA?
If you are transferring from another ISA, the transfer request must be made within 21 days of opening your Help to Buy: ISA account, and can only be used to fund part or all of your initial deposit up to £1,000. Your current year’s subscriptions must be transferred in full as you are only allowed to fund one cash ISA per tax year.

Do I have to move all the money in my ISA?
No, unless you are transferring current tax year ISA savings. Apart from this it’s up to you – you can transfer as much as you like from previous tax years. You could, for example, transfer your savings from the year before to the new cash ISA and leave your current tax year savings where they are.

If I’ve saved part of this year’s ISA allowance with another provider can I transfer this portion of my ISA and save the rest of the allowance with Halifax?
Yes you can. For example, if you’ve saved £2,000 in a ISA with another provider, you could transfer your ISA balances to Halifax and save the further £13,240 this tax year with us.

So you need to pay £1000 into your old ISA, setup your new Help to Buy ISA and fill in the transfer form, asking your old provider to close the ISA and transfer the full balance (but you do this from your new provider they send the instruction to close the account to your old provider)
You can then make new subscriptions to this ISA as its your current year ISA in effect.
The issue for a lot of people is they can be stuck, you have to transfer 100% of this years funding so if you have paid in more than £1000 your probably better waiting till April. For you you have already lost the tax benefit from the savings you withdrew, so pay in your £1000 and then transfer your ISA.
1 Dec 2004
Halifax said they would close the one I havnt funded down and start again as its way over 21 days, I will try and get it kicked off tomorrow I will have another chat with Halifax about it also

Thanks for the info all, I am not the best when it comes to this stuff and get myself in a bit of a mess sometimes
8 Mar 2007
The Santander account is unbeatable once you get over about £8k in it. It's a bit of a faff as you need to have a couple of direct debits from it and pay in at least £500 a month. We have 3 between us and I bounce £500 in and out of all of them and have a couple of £1 DDs from each going out to a couple of Teaco accounts, I'm probably being monitored for money laundering :p
1 Dec 2004
Spoke to halifax this morning, the help to buy isa I set-up on 8th Dec that didnt get funded to is being closed, going to get some money (£1k) in to my lloyds ISA then do an ISA transfer from that in to a newly set-up help to buy ISA with Halifax and set-up the standing order for £200p/m paid in to that.

Once that's done I will look at a regular savings for the rest of it to go.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Spoke to halifax this morning, the help to buy isa I set-up on 8th Dec that didnt get funded to is being closed, going to get some money (£1k) in to my lloyds ISA then do an ISA transfer from that in to a newly set-up help to buy ISA with Halifax and set-up the standing order for £200p/m paid in to that.

Once that's done I will look at a regular savings for the rest of it to go.

:) Sorted
28 Dec 2009
What is the logic behind the £200 limit?

Is it still worth doing if i was looking to save £500 a month? ie putting the max in to the gov savings isa and then putting £300 in to another account? Might i as well just put £500 in to a savings and have my deposit in 2 years rather than having to wait 5 before i get can get an extra 25%.?
5 Mar 2010
The fee rise is largely irrelevant once you're above a certain amount. No other account will allow you to have 20k sitting in it earning £40 a month, the £3 is fairly minor (albeit still annoying).

Exactly, If you've got 20k sitting in the account, that's netting around £480 a year. Minus the £60 fee, you're still over £400 interest. The account even offers cashback on a lot of bills, so if you can get over £5 a month in cashback, then you're pretty much keeping all your interest.

I did open a HTB ISA in December as well.
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