Help with bed leveling adjustments...

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30 Apr 2003
Have a creality CR6SE, I've had a few problems over time with prints (who hasn't!) but having installed the community firmware now, I'm starting to understand why!


I've gone under the glass build plate, tightened, and untightened thing under there to try and get a balance but something's out.

The left side of the plate is positive (higher), right negative (lower) which I'm assuming means the x axis on the printer needs adjusting.

Watched the creality video on the adjustment a handful of times and I can't figure out which side to change, nor whether that's the best way of doing it, having a proper thick moment with this at the minute!

So I had a wobbly y-axis without knowing it, tightened that up, tightened the z wheels too.

Doesn't matter what I seem to do I can't seem to get the front left corner and the rear right side within the green.

Auto level wise its the one that came with the CR6-SE.

The x gantry is also within .1 on either side too.
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are your results repeatable? or do they change ?
if they change all the time i would say you have something crooked or loose.
if its the same all the time it would mean your bed is maybe bent?
I don't really miss trying to level my bed manualy. After installing klipper everything became much easier.

you say you dont know which side to change. you need to adjust the bed.. not X axis :)
you need to change all of the locations where the screws are. take a piece of paper and make sure in all 4 cornesrs above the screws the hight is the same
No sure if you have this available on CR6-SE.. i think it should just autocorrect itself
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