Help with Exam Question

12 Feb 2006
im donig past exam papers for ITGS atm and am stuck on this question so fast responses would be wonderful.

There is a picture of 3 computers conected using wires to a HUB which then is connected to a file server and a laser printer again by wires, and it asks what type of network is this?

A. peer-peer, im sure it isn't this one
B. a wide area network where 3 cmoputers a connected via a wiring HUB, i think its this one but not sure
C. A client/server network. not sure what this is? anyone fill me in?
D. A Stand alone network with connection to the internt via a HUB, pretty sure its not this one as there is no internet connection.

thanks for the help guys
Badly worded question, but I'd say the answer is C.

Peer to peer would have each client using resources from another client, while client/server has clients using resources from a central server.

You don't use hubs to connect WAN links.
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addy_010 said:
im donig past exam papers for ITGS atm and am stuck on this question so fast responses would be wonderful.

There is a picture of 3 computers conected using wires to a HUB which then is connected to a file server and a laser printer again by wires, and it asks what type of network is this?

A. peer-peer, im sure it isn't this one
B. a wide area network where 3 cmoputers a connected via a wiring HUB, i think its this one but not sure
C. A client/server network. not sure what this is? anyone fill me in?
D. A Stand alone network with connection to the internt via a HUB, pretty sure its not this one as there is no internet connection.

thanks for the help guys


b)wan is a network that spans a relatively large geographical area. usually more tahn one lan.. think big :D

c) client server is kinda hard to explain (my memory is a bit hazy here) its something to do with processes, a client process requests service from server
think maybe email, ftp
think of like a webbrowser, its client and active, requests page from webserver which is server and passive.
^someone else do that cause my exp was crap)

^its this i think

d) not entirely sure what it means by standalone network tbh

crud question

ps prolly better off asking in network section ;)
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