Help with FIFA: WC 06

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
I'm basically playing this game purely to get gamer points, I'm an avid fan of football games, but I really do dislike this game, I do not get any pleasure out of plasying it whatsoever.

I am one to buy games purely for entertainment purposes and not for points, but this game is just so very very poor.

Anyway, I'm on the last global challenge with Australia against Soloman Islands.

I have to score 4 more, and win 7-0, however, the best I have done so far is score two! I can't score past the stupid keeper!

What's the best tactic to play? Has anyone got any tips on how to score when clean through? They save my efforts everytime, I usually wait for the last min to shoot.

I have managed to complete all tasks pretty easily but this one is beyond me!

Any ideas?
Yea, its the only one I couldn't do either. I just gave up and got rid of the POS game. Sod the points, not worth a heart attack over. Stupid game.

I realise I've been no help whatsoever, but felt it necessary to rant about it. :p
Well persevere but I will say this now. You will only complete the challenge by luck or cheating, and then you will unlock the World Cup challenges, then have another stupidly difficult one to complete, then start another thread saying it's too hard and you can't complete it.

See, I don't even have this game anymore and it stresses me out just thinking about it. Arrgghh!

Oh and my points tally is pants and ultimately realised it's not important.
andybtsn said:
Any ideas?

Yes sell it and forget the points, who cares anyway. Basically you have wasted hours playing a game you dont even like, thats a bit sad.

Global challenge is the worst piece of AI ive seen yet on the 360. Did I throw my control pad, did i sit there getting angry trying to score 2 goals in 45 seconds.

No I admitted to myself the game was Pap and moved it on. My profile is full of crap games I didnt even bother getting a point on. If the games crap why play it. Gamings supposed to be fun. You wouldnt have sat playing rubbish on the original xbox. Why do the same for a gamerscore.
andybtsn said:
but I really do dislike this game, I do not get any pleasure out of plasying it whatsoever.

Clam down? You post ^^^^ and you expect to be taken seriously. I'm perfectly calm, I'm not the one desperate to beat a game I hate. :p
McDaniel said:
And try talking to Nismo he's completed all the Global challenges

For the GC's I couldnt do (which were a couple of the the World Cup finals ones) I messed around with the opponents team in the 'Team Management' section on the main menu. i.e. put defenders in attack etc.

These changes carry over into the Global Challenge mode and make it a bit easier :)
Well, I scored 4 against Australia, but then they scored in the 88th minute...

So I failed, again. I felt sick!!

Anyway, will have a go at good ol' cheating!

Lol, I feel your pain.

My solution was the same as mentioned above. Sell it and move on. I really wanted a fun footie game for the wc etc. and I really enjoyed my first few global challenges and then I realised how hard they'd made a few of them.

I got frustrated with some parts of COD2 on Veteran and some of the previews in Burnout but I always knew at the back of my mind I could do them. And I did. And here's the point, they were fun. The Global Challenges are the only thing since getting my 360 I've said, nope, getting these is just going to make me miserable, so I'm not going to bother, and moved on. Feel great about it now.

Hehe, good luck though. Experiment with changing their formation (343) and first 11. Go with 424 and with a bit (heck, make that a lot) of luck you might do it.
Thanks all, this thread has assured me that i WONT be getting this game. Almost every game results in fresh scarrs on my controllers (one doesnt work now :() or another mug gets hurled at a wall (i think i have anger issues) but if this is causing EVERYONE headaches then i might be a risk to the general public if i played this, think "dunblane" "columbine" heck "9/11" maybe grrrrr....phew
As Nismo said just change the players around, especially putting cack attackers in defence as they have real little defensive skills, also put the worst keeper of the lot in goal and give them a formation which only gives them 3 defenders.

Then stick it on flood the box tactic and keep pushing the grounded through ball. I just completed Global Challenge yesterday and it stressed me out big time. I found USA Vs Mexico and the Australia one you are stuck on to be near impossible, they probly took around 25 goes to complete.

After you have done that challenge you have to do 7 cup finals where 6 are real easy and then you are left with the little chessnut that is to beat Brazil with Sweden, where you start 4-2 down and 80 mins in. Good Luck, your gonna need it. :D
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