Help with first pc build!

9 May 2020
Hey guys I'm brand new to building PCs and i am looking for a system that's not to cheapy cheap but wont break the bank I'm looking around,£1,200-£1800 all in.
I'm in a big mind field at the moment with what to go for I have looked around but I feel like many people here will have better information on parts and what would be the best way to get the most out of the money. i have i do want something fancy ish looking e.g rgb,window case so please if you could give me a little bit of time and show me some of the best builds with in my range

Looking for everything from monitor to keyboard (only have mouse)
I am an avid gamer ( league of legends,wow)
But I'm looking to get into more games in the future but the system I have at the moment dosent run much and I want to get something I wont have many worries with titles that could come out in the future

Thank you for your time
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