Help with installing Linux

addy_010 said:
well im at my dads for the weekend so wont be finding out the information until sunday evening or monday. Will post what it says on the back. I know from when using win98 its 800x600, but also when doing the sudo dpkg-reconfigure thing that the only three options are 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768.

Speak on Sunday i guess. Happy weekend

800x600 is the Windows 98 resolution, not that of the screen ;)
At least we seem to be nearly there!

ok this is some of the information on the label found on the back of my screen.

Type/model: 2248-O2N

S/N: 66-36124

Manuf: January 13 1997

V : 100-240 -
A: 1.5
Hz: 50/60

FCC ID: H41CM15008

Anything else needed? Thats alk that seemed important, most else was like the things it compliues with or something.
Cripes thats elderly ;) Neither IBM or Google have heard of it!
A resolution of 800x600 @ 50hz should work, not sure if it will go higher or not, but I'm pretty certain thats OK.

(That was all thats important, the FCC compliance etc. tells us nothing of any use in this case!)

did that and nothing i had to changed so it is still working. Any ideas on what to do.

only thing i can think of was when it asked me to put vertical refresh rates, it had 43-60 already so i left it, this is the only place i could think of putting the refresh rate of 50 but then it was alrady sone so didnt and thought there would be another place but there wasnt.

oh and also i wasnt sure on what (dont know what it was) i should select, VESA or trident? i picked trident.
:):):) i got something running hehehehehehe cant beleive its finally working. Now im need much help ion what im doing. First is how to change the brightness of the monitor even more then the buttons on the screen allow as the screen is far too dark to really view anything. On windows98 i right clicked, selected properties, think it was the settings tab, then advanced button on that, which give me the option of like increases the birghtness (wasnt called this though) to a level where i could actually see things almost how they were meant to be viewed, it give the screen white grainy look but was atleast viewable. anyway back to the point can i do this on ubuntu? hope i can
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